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Thanks for attending and leaving a comment, everyone! We assigned a number to everyone who left a comment for the edit once giveaway and then chose a winner by lottery. @"" is our winner!
On Tuesday, October 16, at 9 p.m. ET, I’ll give you a bird’s-eye view of the admissions process. I’ll touch on almost every component of your application and take questions at the end.
After the webinar, I’ll randomly select one attendee for a free Edit Once.
You’ll have to register for this webinar in advance.
→ Please register for the webinar (Oct 16, 2018 @ 9:00 p.m. ET) here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Zoom might prompt you to download something before you can join the webinar, so I’d advise you to show up a bit early on Tuesday.
Hope to talk to you there!
Aww.. bummer. Cant make that one.
Might wanna change the advice to say "Show up a little early TUESDAY"

@kishmich77 THANK YOU!
Hope to see you here tonight!
@"David.Busis" Thanks for the reminder. See you soon!
I would really like to see a blog post about applying as a mature student and how this affects other criteria considerations such as GPA/LSAT. Thank you!
I would love to see a blog post about scholarships and scholarship negotiations.
Hi David! I would love a blog post or a more specific lesson on answering optional essays that ask for a list 3 songs, books, etc. The tone seems more relaxed- is that right? What's the best way to format something like this? Thank you! (that was also my question for tonight's webinar)
It would be nice to see a pro/con chart for applying in January.
Are all law schools rolling? Or are there schools that begin application process after deadline?
I would really like to see a blog post about choosing a law school based on how successful you believe to be according to LSAT/ GPA/ school attended.
Suggested blog theme: How prior work experience can help land a big law job without graduating from a T14 school. (3-5 years of work experience)
Thanks for hosting the webinar. Would love to see a blog post about the reputations of law schools? Especially maybe surprise ones that are underrated or have a better reputation in a certain type of law that would be challenging to learn just reading rankings. Thanks!
Edit Once Giveaway Entry/Blog Post Suggestion:
Advice for URM Splitters making list of schools
Can you please do a blog post/webinar on the Canadian law school admission process?
A blog post about when/if you should visit law schools would be great! For example, does meeting with law faculty make a difference in your chances of being admitted?
@"David.Busis" Thanks for the webinar. A potential interesting blog post might be one concerning students who became interested in law later in life.
A blog post about when to write an LSAT addendum
I would like to see a blog post on good examples of how you've seen older/non-traditional students address "why law school, why now" in their personal statements.
Tip: In regards to choosing who writes your recommendation letter, the relationship that you have with them is more important than their rank.
I would like to see a blog post about how different approaching the LSAT will be with the implementation of the electronic format!
Hey all,
Happy prep.
I think that it would be awesome to have a "self-care throughout the process" kind of posting. I mean, everything is kind of scattered, but what do you do once you write the LSAT, are beginning to get your references in order, etc. How can you stop the perseverative thoughts? How can you prevent burn-out? I would definitely give that write-up a solid gander
Blog Post Idea:
Re-Applying for Law School: Do's and Dont's
(e.g. Do get new letters of recommendation, do write up a new personal statement/diversity statement)
Hi David. Thanks for today's webinar. I am interested in seeing a post regarding recommendation letters selection for applicants who have graduated 3 to 4 years, with some working experiences and a graduate school degree.
Hi David, I would love to see a blog post about how to handle scholarship negotiations!
I would love to see a blog post that focuses on law school concentrations and the best schools that fall under each category. For example the best law schools for family law or environmental law.
I would like to see a blog post on Canadian Law Schools and their requirements.
Hi David, thanks for the webinar! I would like to see a blog post about what high scores can be doing to make their score keep creeping up. For example, how does who is PT averaging at 172 make the jump to PT averaging at 175, etc? Cheers!
Hi David! Thank you for the webinar. It was very useful.
I would like to see a blog post about how to stay positive and motivated especially from the time you take the test to the time you get the results. Some of us have to retake it and the low score really takes a toll on us.
I would like to see a blog post about deferring law school after acceptance.
I enjoyed your webinar, particularly the "tour" of the 7Sage Admissions functionality as I did not know about many of the features. Thank you!
A blog post about applying to schools with LSAT scores while registered for a future LSAT would be great. Specifically, a discussion about applying to safety schools before taking the next LSAT (i.e. with current LSAT score and not waiting), or applying to targets and informing them you are registered for another LSAT, etc..
I would really like to see a blog post on Canadian law schools admission requirements, esp the top Ontario ones
It would be helpful to see the admissions process through the "lens" of an admissions faculty. As in, at what threshold numbers-wise would they begin truly considering your "soft" application such as letters of rec/personal statement?
@"David.Busis" I would like to see a blog post about different things that can be done to help fill potential holes in an application. For example, I have heard that many law school can be concerned about the writing ability of an individual who did not major in something that was writing intensive, like Criminal Justice or Engineering. What sorts of things can applicants do to assuage some of the worries that an admissions council might have? Thank you for the webinar!
I'd love to see a blog post on tips for non traditional (older in age) students applying to law school. I am personally finding it difficult to format my resume (various degrees, gaps in employment, etc). Thanks!
I would love to see a chance calculator for splitters for each school. If any school is splitter-friendly or not.
I would like to see a blog post about how to kill a admission interview.
Tip: Needing to revise application materials if you apply again in a subsequent year to the same school.
Would be nice to see a blog post about if there are any networking opportunities to increase your chances of getting your name out there to law schools before you actually submit your application. Go to their events? email them with questions? Sit in on a class? set up an appointment with an admissions counselor?
I would love to see a blog post about writing an effective LSAT addendum.
I would like to see a post about foreign applicants, on how it affect their chances because it seems that it reduce their chances (if check on law school predictor), and whether the interest of diversity of law schools is on diversity of only US citizens or different races (not necessary US citizen)
Idea for blog post or webinar: Best practices for balancing studying for the lsat and applying to law school with other life responsibilities i.e. a full time job, family, health, etc. The post or webinar could discuss choosing a study timeline, scheduling studying, how to manage breaks, mental fatigue, etc.
Admission Tip: Reading your essays slowly and out loud increases your chance of catching a mistake.
Thanks, David! Great webinar. Your tip about keeping resume bullet points down to 2 per item was completely new information for me and I'm glad I learned about it sooner rather than later.
Thanks a lot for the webinar! I'd love to see a blog post on international applicants and issues specific to their application (especially those who don't go to an undergrad in US) -- for example, I had friends having trouble submitting the transcript and heard rumors about certain schools being harsh on international applicants or raising LSAT standard for intl students to their 75 percentile.
Thank you for hosting that webinar! I would like to read a blog post about reverse splitters (assuming the LSAT will not be retaken due to other obligations), how to instruct personal statement editors (e.g. family and friends) to read through the essays (i.e. basic instructions from the perspective of an admissions officer), whether or not we should ask an alumnus who is a close friend or family member to write an additional LoR for that school, and/or how to incorporate post-undergraduate work experience into applications when that is not mentioned in the personal statement.
I really like the blog post about whether going to a t14 is necessary and I think it'd be cool to see more posts centered around specific experiences of those who went to schools outside of t14 (from recent years) and how their careers were shaped afterward (like some sort of spotlight/AMA/interview).
David, I realize this may sound heretical on a 7Sage comment, but I would very much appreciate a blog on how law school admissions committees process other tests like the GRE and GMAT for comparison to the LSAT. Thank you!
Thank you for an amazing webinar
I would like to see a blog post about how international applicants with undergraduate education in the United States are going to be evaluated differently compared to other international applicants with a degree in a foreign country and other domestic applicants.
Enjoyed the webinar. I would love to see a blog post about kind of tailored towards non traditional students and things they should and should not do in the application process. Thank you again.