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Thank you 7 sage from 145-161

gititenenbaumgititenenbaum Alum Member
in General 48 karma

Hi y'all just starting out, a year ago I took my diagnostic test and scored a 145 this June I got a 162 on the real deal. Going from 145-162 didn't happen overnight I started with the free course and upgraded to the cheapest and eventually upgrading two more times.
I was thinking of retaking because I was prepping at 168 I even managed to get a 171 and 172 on a BR, those were two very happy days:). I spoke to schools that I am considering applying to and 162 will give me a decent scholarship and possibly a free ride at others. Today I made the decision that I'm done with LSAT real, by trashing all my tests and review material I printed, it fills a trash can up. I wanted to pay it forward, for all the help I got from this site.
I know 162 might not sound so exciting if your looking at Harvard, but most of us are not taking that route. So if you don't plan on going to a "Top School" and want encouragement from a "middle of the road-er", so you know you can do it too, here goes.
I got a lot of practical tips from reading posts, the most helpful one was to use sheet protectors and dry erase markers for BR's. I had a whole binder of prep test I perused at random times, (waiting rooms, airports etc.) I printed the test twice the 2nd copy for BR, I put into sheet protectors and did it with dry eraser markers. I wrote the correct answers on sticky note when I reviewed and kept a tally of which ones I got wrong on another sticky note. If I got any wrong I moved the sticky note to the top and it stuck out of the binder like a tab, this allowed me to see which questions I needed to review further. Once I BR'd correctly I would move the tab to the bottom.
Burnout is real, when it set in for the third time, and I was sure I'd never pull past a 155, I switched from marathon/burnout cycle to dedicating one and half days a week studying. I shut my phone and ignored the world. Day one (at home and sometimes the library) I took the test, took a lunch break then I BR'd and I checked the answers. Next half day I saw what I got wrong, why and BRed the logic games I got wrong. Later on when I was getting better and review day didn't have that many wrong I'd go to my binder and run through all the ones I had initially gotten wrong. In May a month before the actual test I took one test a week at my test center. I found this very helpful. I spoke to the test center they allowed me to use the actual room I tested in. I think this helped me stay calm on test day it was not a new experience.
All in all it was a lot of work, but it can be done. Thank you 7sage I couldn't have done it without this course. On to my personal statement resume and application... See you soon on the other side...


  • 19 karma

    WOW, this was so amazing to read! congratulations on all of your achievements, hard work pays off! Cant wait to finally feel your relief. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do!

  • 1Science1Art1Science1Art Alum Member
    269 karma

    Thank you for this. I too am not looking at Harvard or Yale, but am instead very interested in practicing environmental law and they have an excellent environmental program at the University of Oregon so I am hoping to be accepted there next cycle. I am PT'ing at the 160 mark consistently and am feeling pretty decent about it (read panicking) . I appreciate your post and I hope to do as well as you in November. :smile:

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    Congratulations! Great effort and result.

  • cdaddario2cdaddario2 Member
    362 karma

    Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your success. Your study tips are particularly helpful

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    Congrats, friend! Hard work can eventually pay off!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Great work! You're in a much better scoreband now and that's awesome.

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