Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). How long does it take you to review a section of logical reasoning? - 7Sage Forum

How long does it take you to review a section of logical reasoning?

Danielle639Danielle639 Free Trial Member
edited October 2013 in Logical Reasoning 22 karma
I feel like I spend too much time on a section when I'm reviewing and just wanted to know what the high scorers are doing.Please help :(


  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    I am no high scorer (in the 150's) , but I take a really long time. maybe even over an hour sometimes. I know for me to BR a test it takes literally 5++ hours.
  • Danielle639Danielle639 Free Trial Member
    22 karma
    Hello Kyuya,

    Thank you for the reply. The 5+ hour is that include the time to take the exam or just reviewing?

    Thank you!
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    Thats just reviewing, but I'll blind review ALL the questions. You could blind review just using the ones you've circled during the PT you thought you got wrong as well though, may cut some of the time down for review.
  • Nevill WilderNevill Wilder Free Trial Member
    19 karma
    It takes as long as it takes to know why every incorrect answer choice is wrong. I've spent hours staring at one question. So blind reviewing used to take me two full days of work. As I got better at seeing wrong answers that time got shorter. So again, it takes as long as it takes.
  • Danielle639Danielle639 Free Trial Member
    22 karma
    THANK YOU SO MUCH Kyuya and Nevill!
  • Danielle639Danielle639 Free Trial Member
    22 karma
    I will definitely keep that in mind!
  • Litian.ChenLitian.Chen Free Trial Member
    136 karma
    I don't think spending hours looking at a question is good practice...no matter that is true fact or just exaggeration..if you can't find an answer right/wrong in a couple minutes just move on to the next one then come back later. The longer you stare at it the more confused you can get..
  • Danielle639Danielle639 Free Trial Member
    22 karma
    Yes, that is absolutely true and I do that as well! @Litian
  • E.T.90066-1E.T.90066-1 Alum Member
    377 karma
    BR is only for LR right?
  • E.T.90066-1E.T.90066-1 Alum Member
    377 karma
    Also, if not, then do we blind review games that we did not have time to complete as well as RC sections?
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    Hi Erict, BR is for everthing
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