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Thank you and farewell, 7Sage! From a 139-152, hopefully more on Dec 8?

cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
in General 737 karma

With a week left in my subscription, I wanted to say thank you to this awesome and supportive community, as well as a huge thank you to JY for creating and continually innovating this 7Sage program.

I know my stats aren't amazing, but after 2 years studying on and off for this exam and working full-time, I was able to go from a 139 diagnostic,144, 147, 152 and hopefully 154+ (Nov) on the real LSAT's, so I'll take that dub.

7Sage definitely has my recommendation, and the people on here are amazing. For what it's worth, i'll finish this post by saying what i'd change if I can do it all over again.

1) Dedicate studying for this exam full-time for 5 months
Burnout is real, but I also felt great momentum was the biggest factor in my score increasing. I have been studying inconsistently, but the time I took a 4 month hiatus from Jan through April then began to study for the Sept 18 LSAT has so far been my highest score. Point is 2 years studying for this exam was too damn long.

2) Sit for the September LSAT
That was my highest score, and as a teacher who gets the summer off, I thought getting those two months completely off was a huge difference and its also pretty early in the cycle. I would think this is also the case for students. Sure, things start ramping up in August and September, but its not so bad, right? (syllabus stuff? lol)

The current market for attorneys, medians, obsessing about stats, on and on. Sure,its reality and it is important. I'm not denying that. But it won't matter until you get the sore you want, and you have to bump all that noise until you're done busting your ass for this test.

I wish all the best for everyone on here. Your hard work will pay off. Happy Thanksgiving!




  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14183 karma

    Carlos, thank you for taking the time to share your journey with us.

    I wish you the best of luck! And do update us on Dec. 8th!

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    Carlos - best of luck to you! Seems like you made some great improvement over time! I hope you get the score you want!! You can always extend your subscription if you want to try it again in Jan or March. Perhaps hire a tutor for those extra points? I'm at the point of just ditching this whole damn thing but for whatever reason I keep getting sucked in.

  • cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
    737 karma

    @"J.Y. Ping" said:
    Carlos, thank you for taking the time to share your journey with us.

    I wish you the best of luck! And do update us on Dec. 8th!

    Thank you again, J.Y! You truly are doing a great job with this page. In the 2 years i've been able to see a lot of the changes and innovations to the page, as well as seeing the community really grow.

    You're an excellent teacher, and very passionate at what you do. I hope I can be just as passionate in my job as you are. Wishing you and the 7Sage community all the best!

  • cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
    737 karma

    @LCMama2017 said:
    Carlos - best of luck to you! Seems like you made some great improvement over time! I hope you get the score you want!! You can always extend your subscription if you want to try it again in Jan or March. Perhaps hire a tutor for those extra points? I'm at the point of just ditching this whole damn thing but for whatever reason I keep getting sucked in.

    Thank you very much, @LCMama2017 ! I appreciate the support, but I think i'm done. I know if I was to study full-time I could definitely increase, but I think i've taken the test too many times and I also think i've been studying way too long for this, i'm done. I already gave away and recycled most of my materials lol.

    I wish you all the best, @LCMama2017. Thank you again for your advice and support!

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