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Get ready! The next BR session for January test-takers will be this evening, Sunday, January 13th at 8:30pm EST (after J.Y.’s session)! We will be reviewing the Logical Reasoning sections from PT83. Don’t forget to see the Google docs below to list which questions you may have had the most trouble with so we can go over it during the call.
I am happy to announce that I will be leading the Blind Review study group for the January 2019 LSAT!
We’ve got a few weeks before the exam, which is enough time to squeeze in a couple of tests for group sessions. 7Sage has kindly allowed the use of their webinar capabilities so we can get started right away! We welcome every person at every stage of preparation, from the startiest-of-starts to the reasoning experts. Either way, this is to support your ongoing efforts. Feel free to continue preptest-ing and practicing between study sessions.
Here's what you do (please watch the post Core-Curriculum webinar before joining:
First, take the scheduled practice exam under timed conditions before the session. We will focus on the Logical Reasoning sections.
Next, blind review on your own by breaking down the stimulus, picking the answer choice you feel is correct, and write or type out your reasoning for each correct choice and 4 incorrect answer choices (which will help you remember your train of thought during the study session). Do not check your answers yet!
Then, input the most difficult questions into the excel spreadsheet before the session:
Finally, we will review the test as a group on its scheduled date via GoToMeeting webinar: We’ll go over priority questions first, then review ways to attack the other questions. Bring your test as we will not be sharing screens.
Please, do not check your answers before the study session!
Part of the learning process is being able to solidify your reasoning by discussing with fellow group members. If you happen to know the right answer, please don’t say it - use reasoning to convince us that your answer is the right one! We probably won’t go over every question, but we will focus the ones that we had a lot of trouble with.
Tentative schedule:
Blind Review refresher:
If you're interested, please post a comment below (and notify me if you change your username afterwards as the tags will not update on their own). If neither study sessions work for you, message me! We may have enough people to create an alternate group.
Special thanks goes to @keets993 for doing such a great job on previous study groups!!
Ninja edit: fixed the 2nd BR date (should’ve been the 13th) and the years.
Ninja edit 2: Due to a few scheduling hiccups on my end, and J.Y.’s recently announced PT86 review sessions, (which I highly encourage everyone to check out if they haven’t already!), all sessions will be held at 8:30pm ET.
I’m interested!
You're gonna do great!
Feel free to message me about anything!
I'm interested!
yesss @turnercm !!!! I would love to attend the Dec. 30th one. (Saving the 80s till later)
Count me in!
I am interested~
I'm really interested in this!
Im interested!!
THANK YOU! @turnercm!
Thanks for organizing all of this @turnercm! I am interested!
Count me in
Really suggest people do this it is a great way to learn!!
I'm interested in joining for Sun., Jan. 13, if that's OK. I think that one date is a day off because of the new year. And is the Pep Rally another BR sesh or is it just encouraging each other to kick ass? Thank you for doing this!
I'm interested
I'm interested as well
I'm interested.
Count me in!
I’m in!
I'm interested!
@"Rachael Lipton" the pep rally is the encouragement part! I think they had some special guests that shared their test-day strategies last time
@keets993 thanks!!! I messaged you
Hi @turnercm, I’m interested in joining. Thank you!!
count me in!
Hi everyone! An update has been posted above! All sessions will be held at 8:30pm ET.
@mjmonte17 @lsat_kp20 @btownsquee @TChalla @"misun.kim11" @caylabrown95 @juanmapm @Sara_9900 @"MinnaHN." @prernafaith @"Beast Mode" @denzeljones14 @"Rachael Lipton" @vxsinha96 @Bougie_Bre @vrendonvasquez @"Cristal N" @Cryssie @Chan8677 @philmopo
@skhan012018 @manpreet.khabra3
I am interested
Thank you @turnercm
I am interesting too. Thank you for helping us @turnercm.
Reminder: BR Group starts this evening
@mjmonte17 @lsat_kp20 @btownsquee @TChalla @"misun.kim11" @caylabrown95 @juanmapm @Sara_9900 @"MinnaHN." @prernafaith @"Beast Mode" @denzeljones14 @"Rachael Lipton" @vxsinha96 @Bougie_Bre @vrendonvasquez @"Cristal N" @Cryssie @Chan8677 @philmopo
@skhan012018 @manpreet.khabra3 @keets993 @AndriiOnysko @JenBrooklyn
Yes, I am interested.
I changed my name from Rachael Lipton to 2ndTimestheCharm.
Hi! I am interested too!
I would like to join as well
Are you all still using the google sheet to list questions for discussion? It doesn't look like much is written on there.
Also, how long was the last SG conference call? Should I expect it to be around 2 hours or so?
@buckmartin We are still using the Google Doc for questions. The call can be anywhere from 2-4 hours. Last time we finished in 3.
Update has been posted! The next BR session is this Sunday, January 13th. We will review PT83.
If you’ll be joining J.Y. for his PT86 review, this takes place right after that. See you there!
@mjmonte17 @lsat_kp20 @btownsquee @TChalla @"misun.kim11" @caylabrown95 @juanmapm @Sara_9900 @"MinnaHN." @prernafaith @"Beast Mode" @denzeljones14 @vxsinha96 @Bougie_Bre @vrendonvasquez @"Cristal N" @Cryssie @Chan8677 @philmopo @skhan012018 @manpreet.khabra3
@AndriiOnysko @keets993 @JenBrooklyn @buckmartin @lackofimagination @2ndTimestheCharm @corinneavc07-1
Reminder: This review is this evening at 8:30 ET (after J.Y.’s review session ends!) ☺️
@mjmonte17 @lsat_kp20 @btownsquee @TChalla @"misun.kim11" @caylabrown95 @juanmapm @Sara_9900 @"MinnaHN." @prernafaith @"Beast Mode" @denzeljones14 @vxsinha96 @Bougie_Bre @vrendonvasquez @"Cristal N" @Cryssie @Chan8677 @philmopo @skhan012018 @manpreet.khabra3
@AndriiOnysko @keets993 @JenBrooklyn @buckmartin @lackofimagination @2ndTimestheCharm @corinneavc07-1
Are we just starting a bit late?
Hey! Sorry for the delay, the PT86 webinar is still wrapping up and I am unable to start until it finishes. They'll likely be finishing up soon. Thanks for your patience!
Monday, January 21st, 2019 (Pep Rally!) 8:30pm ET? What consist ?BR