Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). What do YOU do to stay motivated? - 7Sage Forum

What do YOU do to stay motivated?

inactiveinactive Alum Member
edited January 2015 in General 12637 karma
And I don't mean just for the LSAT - for anything.

Do you unwind with some TV? What shows do you watch?
Do you snack or grab some coffee? Run around the block?
Maybe you read a book or chat/text a friend?



  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    289 karma
    Well, for the LSAT, I've been calling myself stupid for having turned down medical school nearly 5 years ago, so I've just been telling myself that it's all or nothing at this point. I've graduated from college recently and it's time to prove to my father that being a doctor is not the only profession in the world. And when I'm not ranting to myself about my mistakes, I'm actually listening to JY's voice while knitting a hat or a scarf.... And as the February exam approaches, I've been reading the Bible because GOD has to help me at some time in my life... So with my motivational personal speech and my knitting, I would say that I'm motivated enough and not losing my insanity.
  • sarah.xuwsarah.xuw Member
    42 karma
    i think in the long run it depends on how desperate you want to do something and how driven you are.
  • shine.on.meshine.on.me Alum Member
    463 karma
    I like listening to music. I have a playlist on my phone of LSAT songs. Its just some songs that motivate me (ex. "Graduate" by Third Eye Blind and "Carry on my Wayward Son") and some are not even that positive of songs and unrelated but I love them (ex. "El Scorcho" by Weezer). And other songs just make me want to get up and dance (ex. "Boogie Shoes"). Of course my favorite song makes an appearance as well, ("Blackbird" by The Beatles). :-)
  • kglsatnovicekglsatnovice Alum Member
    edited January 2015 62 karma
    I workout to keep the stress of thinking about the LSAT at bay. Recently, I started listening to relaxation radio on Pandora to keep me focus while I study which seems to help a bit and I also allow myself to watch some TV now and then. My favorite show is How to Get Away with Murder! This really keeps me focused on my goal besides doing my daily devotion by reading books like New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. I keep it positive so I stay motivated!
  • RM112015RM112015 Free Trial Member
    192 karma
    I watch moot court competitions to give me something to tangibly strive for. This has really incentivized me and puts things into perspective; If those law students can stand up there in front of judges/professors and dodge and weave their way through oral arguments, not unlike the LSAT, then I need to do well on the LSAT!
  • justrandomjustrandom Alum Member
    343 karma
    I have a friends/family board game night every Sunday, where we eat a lot of food and end the night with a new movie. Journal and creative writing. Dance salsa, merengue, and bachata. Binge watch tv shows. Tops include: Once Upon a Time, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder The Originals, Arrow, Black-ish, Revenge. Eat delicious food. Read different books. Listen to motivational podcasts. Volunteer near my neighborhood. Basically, I try to have a well-rounded life and surround myself with people who are supportive, positive, and humble. That helps me continue to be positive and stay focused on my goals.
  • chinobonitochinobonito Member
    105 karma
    i've been studying LSAT, on and off for a very long time. Due to school, and a full time job, along with various other things, I couldn't study full time. I'm sure many people are in my similar situation. However, in order to motivate myself, and to persevere, I keep track and remind myself of my long term goal. LSAT is just a step and a tiny bump in the road in order for me to reach that goal. Once I see the big picture, I don't think motivation is a problem, and prevents burn out from studying. I also try not to waste tests, by drilling previous questions, and problem sets that I've done before. i don't think this is a problem even though I've done it before because I have to fully understand the logic and why this answer choice is wrong or right. Keeping a goal, having the right attitude, and having self discipline are all huge motivators in my opinion. I try to have fun with the LSAT, because I think it's beatable as long as I have the right attitude, mindset, discipline, and balance.
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    Weirdly, I enjoy studying for it. Also, the stress. Studying for the LSAT keeps the stress away. I feel stressed when I'm not studying, I feel comfortable when I'm reviewing it. So, how do I stay motivated? I just study. Doing anything else, including watching T.V. shows, video games, or even going to class feel like a waste of time and stress me out!!!
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    I studied for a long time too, while working full-time. To stay motivated, I lived the LSAT. I studied all the time and when I wasn't studying, I was on this discussion board reading about other folks' successes. When I wasn't doing that, I was talking to others about law school or reading about law school on the various law school scam blogs that show just how bad it is out there for folks at the bottom. That was a big motivator to do well...not wanting to suffocate under a debt load.
    I set a reasonable goal: Only go if you can get into a T14, or a top 30 with only cost of living. I religiously reviewed the numbers at all the schools and looked at mylsn and TLS and ATL for info about schools and other applicants to make sure I knew exactly what I needed to achieve my goal.

    TL;DR - I lived the LSAT and made going to school without debt my goal.
  • Erika123Erika123 Member
    233 karma

    Binge watch a season and then take a nap.
    1. Game of Thrones
    2. Walking Dead
    3. House of Cards
    4. Orange is the new black
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    I personally relax with a hot cup of chai honey tea and get my frustrations out in video games. Smack some champions in League of Legends, punch a boss in World of Warcraft.. That kind of stuff.

    Either that, or I'm watching Man Yells at Bar Staff and Throws Stuff. (Otherwise known as Bar Rescue, haha.)
  • Julia LJulia L Alum Member
    edited January 2015 354 karma
    Listen to Funeral by Arcade Fire. It makes you want to take on the world, and of course the LSAT :D

    For the LSAT, make short term goals and remind yourself of your long term goals. Short term: make weekly schedules for the lessons and practice that you want to accomplish that week. It's very satisfying to meet these weekly goals and know that you're making incremental progress. Long term: remember why you are taking this test in the first place. I've been researching law schools on the side, and making a comparison chart of the pros and cons of different schools. It gets me excited!

    And enjoy what you are learning! Admire the art of argument. What we are learning now will only benefit us as good thinkers, and good lawyers in the future :)
  • garvelo89garvelo89 Member
    35 karma
    I enjoy fishing out in my back yard after a long day of studying, as well as go out with my girlfriend for dinner after a long day of studying as well. Glad she fully supports me, makes it a lot easier.
  • lsatonmymindlsatonmymind Alum Member
    135 karma
    I relax by watching my favourite TV show, Doctor Who (especially after a bad PT). Watching the doctor run around saving the universe really helps me keep my mind off the test (I tend to over think and over analyse) until I am ready to EXTERMINATE the LSAT.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Obligatory Rocky motivational speech.
  • msoliviajmsoliviaj Alum Member
    53 karma
    Yes to ROCKY!!!!
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3438 karma
    lots and lots of running... and since I'm a Batman fan... I like to brood... and plan... and to give myself respite watch episodes of Batman TAS/ Justice League/ JLU :D - Oh yes...and listen to the Rocky Speech from time to time as well ( @"Dillon A. Wright" for the win on that one). P.S. Batman is not Michael Keaton (though he's the best onscreen Bats) or Val Kilmer or (ugh...) George Clooney or even Bale and certainly NOT #Batfleck (who knows maybe I'll change my mind)... Batman is Kevin Conroy!!!
    For the LSAT though... I had more than enough motivation... the dream of getting a JD from a top school was something that I had been chasing from 2010 - 11 ever since I went to Penn LAw for my first U.S. LL.M.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Shopping and a good book get me by lol
  • Dillon PGDillon PG Alum Member
    140 karma
    Positive motivation is really good. Think about your dream school and how happy you will be to go there. Read about it in your free time. I like to go on runs and just think. Or hike to places where there aren't many people and just sit. Or walk the dogs. Getting outside is highly undervalued.

    On the other end of the spectrum, something that I will be using more this time around, is how bad the job market is and how vital it is to do well. Previously my goal was to do my best and go to the best school I can. This time it's get the right score or move on to a new career.
  • marazitimaraziti Alum Member
    22 karma
    I changed the background of my laptop to Cornell's library. Seems to help every time I jump on my computer to go on reddit of something stupid.
  • antoniaweldinantoniaweldin Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    Giving some time to yourself and having some fun in life is the best thing we can do to stay more positive and motivated. We have to believe in what we really want. It always help to achieve our goals easily.
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    I look at my Life and realize that i want and need more to be who i want to be in life for my son and family.
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    Basically once i had my son, this last year has been amazing, my resolve has changed completely, i was weak minded in ways, now nothing will get in my way.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Fishing keeps me sane haha. That, and thinking about the potential feeling of exhilaration I will get if I crush the LSAT and get into the school I want to attend. Throw some xbox in the mix and I'm ready to tackle some studying.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @"joegotbored-1" The LSAT reminds me of those few minutes in Mean Girls when Cady gives her internal monologue on how she can't stop talking about Regina George, whether it's just casually dropping her name in conversation or just to hate on her: "it just kept coming up, like word vomit." That's how I feel about the LSAT. I can tell people are getting bored when I talk about some logical fallacy when someone makes but it's the only thing on my mind right now haha
  • JuliaZLSATJuliaZLSAT Member
    77 karma
    Reading posts and discussions such as this one makes me motivated. It is so difficult for me to start studying, so I tell myself: "Let me go to 7Sage and read what people have to say about their studying, their goals and their problems." It helps me realize that I am not the only one for whom the LSAT is difficult. The support of all the people here is really motivational. So after some time of reading the discussions it is so much easier to go back to my syllabus or my problems. Thank you 7Sage and the wonderful people who share and post!!!
  • pritisharmapritisharma Alum Member
    477 karma
    Seinfeld : Have watched it many many times but still cracks me up, I can repeat the dialogues and do not have to use my brains at all.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @hrjones44 said:
    Basically once i had my son, this last year has been amazing, my resolve has changed completely, i was weak minded in ways, now nothing will get in my way.
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    Thank you @Dillon A. Wright!!
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    My biggest motivation is thinking of failure...not because I actually failed but because I DECIDED to fail. I picture myself staring into the mirror with extreme disappointment. I picture not being who I need to be for my famIly. I picture being unhappy and having to deal with the lack of fulfillment seeping into interpersonal relationships with my family and my son. Reading this forum also helps me a lot! Just knowing that I am not alone saves me from going into an endless rut of insanity.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    New motivation...
  • noobie1noobie1 Member
    266 karma
    I love brewing coffee (pour-overs, immersion, espresso, Turkish, etc.).
  • 1LBound1LBound Alum Member
    149 karma
    I knew I wanted to be a lawyer since I was a kid. In high school I attended those over-priced law forums for students, participated in mock trial, and in college I went the traditional route in my major (pre-law polisci with a double major in Spanish). Life happened and wasn't able to apply after college. I've been in the workforce for almost 10 years now and absolutely hate my current job. I realized I was in a stagnant position, with no room for me to get promoted, unless I went out and got a civil engineering degree. That's when I decided its time for me to try and get into law school. I'm ready to call the shots. I'm ready for someone to value my professional opinion. This is what keeps me motivated. Studying for the LSAT is daunting, I'm not going to lie, but coming on these forums helps me realize I'm not alone in this journey. I've taken up meditation to help with focus and testing anxiety, I'm starting to exercise, and I'm allowing myself to actually take the time and learn the material. This is my second go around with 7Sage, and after a brief recess, I'm picking up things I didn't get the first time.
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    349 karma
    @RM112015 said:
    I watch moot court competitions to give me something to tangibly strive for.
    This is such a great motivator and I use it all the time. Whenever I feel stumped or burnt out I always look at different law school/lawyer related things that I look forward to doing and it motivates me again.

    What also helps me is just visualizing the career I want. Not necessarily anything unrealistic, obviously. But just reminding myself that this will soon be over, and that I can do it if I keep at it. Constant reassurance, validating my emotions (even the burn out/negativity. its good to address those and give them legitimacy, but then turn those fears inside out by reasoning through them), and then push past it.

    I used to work for a few different international courts, and I would sit in on legal proceedings and I just absolutely loved it. The one thing I remember distinctly is the strong smell of coffee and all the attorneys I worked with. Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly burnt out I go to a coffee shop and just that smell brings back positive memories and motivates me.

    Otherwise, a good fast beat song and an intense work out, or talking through my frustrations about the LSAT with a friend work well for me. I definitely find that having more than 2 things that help motivate you works best. 3-4 things is great.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    I'm not even taking the LSAT and I'm using Elle Woods as motivation tbh.

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