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Weekly Goal-Setting & Accountability Thread

pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
edited March 2015 in General 521 karma
Hi everyone,

I'm taking somewhat of an LSAT hiatus for March (school, it happens) but I'm going to start a goal-setting/accountability thread here. Even if my goals will be pretty lean for the next three weeks, it'll be nice to have a solid motivation system in place for April, when I'm hoping to come back to LSAT with a VENGEANCE haha.

So the idea is that every week (let's say window from Sunday night to Tuesday morning), we post our tasks that we want to accomplish for the week -- and then the following week we check back and see if everyone managed to cross off the study items on their to-do list. :-) I'm hoping this will help us all stay motivated and accountable!


  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 521 karma
    Here, I'll start--

    Before next week, I will:
    - fool-proof my remaining pile of previously-completed games
    - finish 'introRC' and another LR problem set in the curriculum
    - work through 1 chapter of the Trainer
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    Review advanced logic lessons
    do some logic games watch the videos redo
    finish 'more reading comp.'
    read economics articles or something intense daily

  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    -Review Main Point and MSS questions
    -Watch videos for all questions from preptest 44 where there was any uncertainty
    -Fool proof all games from PT 44
    -Take PT 45 and BR
  • naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
    124 karma
    -Finish Chapters 6 & 7 in the trainer
    -Skim through logic games section in the trainer.
    -Drill both Logic Games and LR based on chapters in the trainer that i covered.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    -Finish ch. 4-6 in the trainer
    -4 LG per day + watch every video explanations
    -Drill LR Cambridge packets
    -Drill 2 RC passage per day :( :( :(
    -Re-watch video lessons on NA/FLAW/WEAKENING
    -Take PT 41 and PT 42
  • soblessed1129soblessed1129 Free Trial Member
    35 karma
    *Review chapter 5-9 in the trainer plus READ chapter 17
    *Finish chapters 4 & 5 in the PS LG bible
    *Drill games daily and see the video
    *Blind review some LR questions I have pending
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    * PT1 Review
    * Timed LG/LR/RC sections
    * PT2
    * PT2 Review
    * Compile list of questions that I'm getting wrong and going over those at the end of the week
  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 521 karma
    @hrjones44 @Jengibre @naveedhalavi @emli1000 @soblessed1129 @blah170blah
    How did we do? No going back and editing your posts! ;-) Let's all 'like' the posts that got done. :-)

    Last week:
    - I did an extra problem set and handful of lessons in addition to my list. (I'm using 7Sage to procrastinate from schoolwork and vice versa; I tell myself the resulting cycle of guilt and self-recrimination is character-building.)

    So, this week I will:
    - work through +1 Trainer chapter
    - complete "moreRC"
  • msoliviajmsoliviaj Alum Member
    53 karma
    - Complete June 2007 exam
    - Arguments Lecture
    - Grammar Lecture
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    —go hard or go home on BR (gotta stop messin around on this)
    —update my excel sheets [trackin them misses]
    —Trainer/drills as scheduled
    —20 min cardio and lift on each body part (can't believe I've been skipping legs so much recently) every day by 5:30pm.
    —try to sleep by 11!!!
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Slowly getting there! I decided to save PT 42 for this week instead since I'm spending more time on drilling & BR!
  • kglsatnovicekglsatnovice Alum Member
    edited March 2015 62 karma
    This is such a great thread. Thanks for creating it! My goal is the following for this week:
    - Finish up the lessons on Intro to RC and LG
    - Do drills on specific question types (MSS and Psuedo Sufficient Assumptions)
    - Review valid argument forms (need to brush up on them)
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
  • naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
    124 karma
    Accomplished everything on my list. For this week i'm doing Ch 19 - 25 in the trainer and the drills that accompany those chapters.
  • kglsatnovicekglsatnovice Alum Member
    edited March 2015 62 karma
    @emli1000 Thank you!
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Weekly I'd like to start off trying to dedicate at least 20 hours on-line + a PT + and test review with my study partner.
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    I accomplished everything on my list, and I think this thread helped! For this week I plan to:

    -Take and BR preptests 46, 47 and 48
    -Review Intro to Logic lessons
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Uhh.. I didn't accomplish anything! (to be fair, I was in the process of moving so... excuse?) Studying TODAY
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    I think I'm taking this week off lol :(
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    lol good for you!! Sometimes you need it, you know?
  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    521 karma
    Understandable! Just keep swimming. :-)

  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    521 karma
    @msoliviaj @nicole.hopkins @kglsatnovice @naveedhalavi @"C-A-T spelt dog" @Jengibre
    How was your week? Productive?

    Last week:
    - I did 2+ Trainer chapters but did not complete "moreRC". Will carry over to next week!

    This week:
    - rest of "moreRC"
    - +2 Games lesson chunks and fool-proof
    - +1 Trainer
    - also I really need to organize and split my lsat binders again, gosh the materials keep coming and those binders multiply like rabbits
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    My week was encouraging! Still can't explain how I've managed to sustain this momentum for 7+ weeks now; I realized I really enjoy LSAT and that probably explains motivation to keep going. Did at least 4 hours M-F and Saturday was an epic 14 hour LSATurday (BR group was the best part obviously). Sunday took it kinda easy, maybe 4 hours total—signed up for 7sage finally (I know ... got bills, y'all) and moving quickly through that.

    I've got some drills and final chapters from the Trainer to finish, as well as PT 36 on Tuesday/BR, various LGR/LRB/7sage activities, doing BR every morning ... Finishing up the "learning" phase more or less and preparing for the test/review/refine phase coming up within about 2 weeks. Most of 7sage overlaps with what I've already learned but there are a few sections that are not covered much or at all in Trainer/LGB/LRB. That's how I justify spending that money to myself, anyway.
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    Sorry guys i've been super busy and it seems like i can never find time for any of this and i'm almost damn tired of it
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    Basically trying to balance out time and money and watching my baby boy who whines constantly when his mother isnt here so if i have him nothing is getting done....life.
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    ANYWAY.. here is this week's
    Go over my old tests, at least three and look at all my wrong answers and save the tests i haven't done yet for later.
    Do mad logic games and fool proof method them!
    thats about it other than watching lessons of the question types i missed
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3462 karma
    Focus drilling RC passages errr day! lol
    -LR- Focus on NA & Flaws
    -Read ch.8 & Ch.16-19 from the trainer
    -Try to take two PTs & BR
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    Last week wasn't quite as productive as I had planned. I took and BRed PTs 46 and 47, but didn't get to 48. I went over some of the intro to logic lessons, but did not get through all of them. This week I plan to:

    -Upgrade course to Ultimate
    -Take and BR PTs 48, 49, 50
    -Purchase and begin drilling Cambridge Science RC, most difficult LG, and the two LR question types that gave me the most trouble over the last 5 PTs (SA and Parallel Flaw)
    -Finish intro to logic lessons
    -Review assumption and weakening questions
  • kglsatnovicekglsatnovice Alum Member
    edited March 2015 62 karma
    Last week was an epic fail for me as I'm joggling my work schedule and completing a graduate course towards my master's degree. This week I plan to take it a little slow so I don't burn myself out by doing the following:

    - Finish up the lessons on RC and LG/Sequencing Games
    - Complete the argument part questions and add more lesson as I progress

    Happy studying you all! :-)
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    This week wasn't as productive as I would have liked in terms of accomplishing what I set out BUT I've been able to sustain some good LSAT momentum, which is nice :)

    1) Review PT10
    2) Drill LR weaknesses & difficult RC passages (RC all day, err day -- just like @emli1000 mentioned)
    3) Take PT 11, 12, and which ever one the BR group decides to go over on Saturday
    4) Review & repeat step #2
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 7468 karma
    LG PTs 20-26
    LSAT trainer Chaps 31-37
    Foolproof at least 10 games/day
    Drill Cambridge Necessary Assumption questions
  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    521 karma
    This week:
    - complete all games lessons
    - +2 Trainer
    - retake select PT qs.
    - other stuff: interview prep, composition
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    —DONE with Logic Games Bible and just those last 2 "Review/Final Thoughts" chapters in the Trainer.
    —Lots of 7sage this week ... All the logic!
    —Might do any early PT on Friday and then of course PT44 for our LSATurday BR group. Scaling PT's back a tad as I'm considering taking in October.
    —All the BR. All the time.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    2 Trainer chapters per day (M-F)
    1 set of 4 RC passages per day + BR + Explanations
    4 LG per day + watch video explanations
    PT 44
    BR PT 44 before BR study group
    Problem set 7 & 8 on Flaw questions
    BR flaw questions- watch video explanations
    review LR sections from previous PTs
    REVIEW 7Sage notes daily
    & possibly take PT 45 on Friday
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @emli1000 goin strong, as usual!
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @nicole.hopkins #BURNOUT lol jk no more of those haha but RC takes forever :(
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    Last week I took and BRed preptests 43, 48 and 49 (did not get to 50). I began drilling the Science RC Cambridge packet, and got through some (but not all) of the Weakening/Assumption lessons. Sadly, my finances have not permitted me to upgrade to Ultimate yet. Hopefully next week! This week's goals:

    -Take and BR test 50
    -PT 44 for group BR (although I probably won't be able to make the call)
    -Next 4 Cambridge RC passages
    -First 4 Difficult LG drills
    -Complete Weakening/Assumption and Causation lessons
  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    521 karma
    @emli1000, your giant list just shames me.

    Did not accomplish all my tasks this week, will have to carry over (won't say how much because that's just embarrassing). By next week I will:

    - complete 80% of the curriculum
    - read up to Trainer ch20
    - PT 37, 52 (at least)
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @pseudonymous don't be lol I do 40-50 hrs per week. This is my job :( so I don't have a choice but to do so much.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Pretty much did all I set out to do save the necessary assumption drills

    This week:

    Necessary Assumption drills
    Weakening drill
    LG PTS 27-35
    Foolproof 10-15 games per day (it's a way of life)
    Trainer (chaps 26-29, 38-40)
    Devise a fundamental skills drill chart
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Kind of a light week this week since my mom is in town til Tuesday—first light week since that last week of Jan/Feb! Still doing BR every morning and will try to do at least one timed section in the evening. Hopefully time for 7sage lessons along the way. Setting expectations very low—and I think this is a good time for a little R&R.
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    This week is going to be brutal so I won't have as much time as I'd like. Last week I did -Next 4 Cambridge RC passages, -First 3 Difficult LG drills -Completed Weakening/Assumption and Causation lessons but did not get to PT 50. I did 36 instead. This week I hope to have time for:

    -Redo logic games from PT 36
    -Retake PT 47 Friday and group BR Saturday
    -PT 52--take Sunday and group BR Monday
    -Next 4 Science RC passages
    -Next 4 hard LGs and watch JY's video explanations
    -Re-watch strengthening and validity/MBT videos
  • pseudonymouspseudonymous Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    521 karma
    Last week:
    - 76/80 :-(
    - Did the PTs

    This week:
    - Pt54, 39
    - 90%curriculum
    - Retake and review
    - Trainer ch22-25
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Got everything done, except I’ve changed my strategy a little. Instead of drilling, I want to make sure my fundamentals (irrespective of timing) are unquestionable. To that end, I’m going to painstakingly write up answer explanations to PTs 36-40 as I BR them. To practice, I’ll write up answer explanation for June 2007 PT this week. Finish LG Bundle (but not Fool-proofing, that will continue through May)
    Finish Trainer 39-40.
    Planning on Blind Review/Write up Answer Explanations (a la LSAT TRAINER) for my first 5 PTs.
    Foolproof 10-15 games/day.
    Read 30 minutes/day using Spreeder.com (Graeme Blake’s method)
    PT 36 this Sunday. My first PT since the initial June 2007 test. Time to see if there’s been any progress.
  • JengibreJengibre Member
    383 karma
    Last week: didn't do much. Got through a few RC science passages and Logic Games from early PTs. Took and group BRed PT 52. This week:

    -PTs 50, 51, 53
    -Remaining problem sets for Main Point, MSS and Weakening questions
    -Fool proof 1 Logic Game per day (except full PT days)
    -1 RC science set per day (except full PT days)
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor you just blew my mind.

    Also, what about doing PT54 and joining the cool kids for LSATurday night BR :-D
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    @nicole.hopkins. While I'm very flattered, Saturday night is reserved for the wife and the kids. :) Maybe after I've got a few PTs under my belt. :)
  • msoliviajmsoliviaj Alum Member
    53 karma
    Thank you for checking in on me and this thread. The month of March came and went. I had surgery so I was recovering and was in too much pain to study. I am going to start today - I will see how I feel in May - I may aim for October to give myself a fair chance.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @blah170blah -__- where did the time go?
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