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✏️ Official January 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ✏️

studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official January 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the January 2019 LSAT here!


You can identify experimental sections. 🙆‍♀️
You can say things such as the following:

  • I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?
  • I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?
  • I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”

You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)

Have fun discussing!



  • luwenxi6luwenxi6 Alum Member
    53 karma

    I have two LGs. One is about flowers and apartments and one is about scientists. Could I know which one is experimental? I really messed up with the first one... Need to know which one is real to decide if I should cancel my score...

  • RunawayJuryRunawayJury Alum Member
    143 karma

    @luwenxi6 said:
    I have two LGs. One is about flowers and apartments and one is about scientists. Could I know which one is experimental? I really messed up with the first one... Need to know which one is real to decide if I should cancel my score...

    Same thing as you, I had one about columns and that was the one i messed up on. Really need to know!!!!!!

  • Sara_3080Sara_3080 Alum Member
    432 karma

    I believe apartments was the real one, but I could be wrong @luwenxi6 @RunawayJury

  • juanmapmjuanmapm Alum Member
    379 karma

    Bump apartments

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    Apartments is real!!!

  • katiefleischerkatiefleischer Free Trial Member
    23 karma

    The real lg was the one that had the east and west with investments, etc and it also had the one with the 6 levels. I had two reading comp sections on mine.

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    @katiefleischer said:
    The real lg was the one that had the east and west with investments, etc and it also had the one with the 6 levels. I had two reading comp sections on mine.

    The real RC is the one with a passage about astronomy and Native American rock inscriptions, if you were wondering

  • Peterpi719Peterpi719 Core Member
    36 karma

    So is the comparative RC the third passage or the first?

  • jakefan19960105jakefan19960105 Alum Member
    35 karma

    Comparative is the first passage

  • lsatstudy18lsatstudy18 Alum Member
    156 karma

    Apartments was real, the rock was real with the language one with Scotland.

  • Peterpi719Peterpi719 Core Member
    36 karma

    @jakefan19960105 said:
    Comparative is the first passage

    Thanks...that’s the one I didn’t finish💔 I was so glad to find out another RC section, but, Ughhhhhhh

  • alysonf1026alysonf1026 Alum Member
    44 karma

    Did the real LG have one about walking dogs?

  • ericavewericavew Alum Member
    edited January 2019 4 karma

    How many questions do the real LRs have? The 26qs one is really tough:(

  • yegfigfwoihefyegfigfwoihef Free Trial Member
    edited January 2019 4 karma


  • arina185arina185 Member
    edited January 2019 44 karma

    I had three LR trying to find out what what experimental my section three Q1 was very short and asking about [deleted by admin: no question type]

    That one had 25 right? If it did, I think that's real! And the lsat question was something about % of homes which get broken in that have/don't have alarm systems

  • batniki1batniki1 Alum Member
    226 karma

    alarm systems was one of the real LR

  • MaritzaaMaritzaa Alum Member
    368 karma

    Had three LR sections. I specifically remember two questions: writer(?) Poe and two planets (comparing with Jupiter). Were those Qs in the experimental section?

  • wrasschaertwrasschaert Member
    310 karma

    I had three LRs and need to know which was real. For anyone that had two LR sections, in the LR with 25 questions (or do you remember in either) was the last question about acid on the skin?

  • 168hopeful168hopeful Alum Member
    61 karma

    RC passages (i don’t remember the order)

    1. Theatre and national identity (comparative passage)
    2. Placebo research - Kaptnuk
    3. Law passage- Trademark and copyright

    I forget the fourth one!

  • 1_2_aletsgoblue1_2_aletsgoblue Alum Member
    47 karma

    @Maritzaa said:
    Had three LR sections. I specifically remember two questions: writer(?) Poe and two planets (comparing with Jupiter). Were those Qs in the experimental section?

    I don't recognize either, and I had experimental LG.

  • ed.lavadoed.lavado Member
    56 karma

    Was the LG with the last game containing XYZ the real one

  • 1_2_aletsgoblue1_2_aletsgoblue Alum Member
    47 karma

    @CDubique2019 said:
    RC passages (i don’t remember the order)

    1. Theatre and national identity (comparative passage)
    2. Placebo research - Kaptnuk
    3. Law passage- Trademark and copyright

    I forget the fourth one!

    Fourth one was Native American petroglyphs or whatever they're called. The crescent moon and the supernova.

  • jcarte38jcarte38 Member
    12 karma

    Was the walking the dog logic game part of the experimental?

  • Sara_3080Sara_3080 Alum Member
    432 karma

    @jcarte38 said:
    Was the walking the dog logic game part of the experimental?


  • 1_2_aletsgoblue1_2_aletsgoblue Alum Member
    edited January 2019 47 karma

    @alysonf1026 said:
    Did the real LG have one about walking dogs?

    I don't remember that and I had both LG. I remember apartments, pillars, and east/west branch. Then there was one with mechanical engineers and interior designers.

    I remember almost nothing about the first LG, which I think was experimental.

  • katiewallace0918katiewallace0918 Free Trial Member
    23 karma

    I had three LR and found my third section (LR) to be hard. I had LR RC LR LR LG.

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    No, the last question for real LR with 25 questions was about home invasions/alarm systems

    @wrasschaert said:
    I had three LRs and need to know which was real. For anyone that had two LR sections, in the LR with 25 questions (or do you remember in either) was the last question about acid on the skin?

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    I had 2 RC sections, sequence as follows: RC,LR,LG,RC,LR. I remember one RC was wicked tough - praying it was the experimental.

  • yegfigfwoihefyegfigfwoihef Free Trial Member
    edited January 2019 4 karma

    @katiewallace0918 said:
    I had three LR and found my third section (LR) to be hard. I had LR RC LR LR LG.

    I agree I really hope the third was experimental do you remember anything from section 3? to see if it was

  • 1_2_aletsgoblue1_2_aletsgoblue Alum Member
    edited January 2019 47 karma

    @katiewallace0918 said:
    I had three LR and found my third section (LR) to be hard. I had LR RC LR LR LG.

    One of the real LRs was significantly harder than the other. That was the one that ended with home invasion alarms I think. I had LR RC LG LR LG.

  • wrasschaertwrasschaert Member
    310 karma

    @arina185 said:
    No, the last question for real LR with 25 questions was about home invasions/alarm systems

    That is a huge relief, thank you for replying.

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    I think the last one had 25 qs which means it was real, since i had 2 26qs > @yegfigfwoihef said:

    I agree I really hope the third was experimental

  • yegfigfwoihefyegfigfwoihef Free Trial Member
    edited January 2019 4 karma

    I think the last one had 25 qs which means it was real, since i had 2 26qs > @yegfigfwoihef said:

    I know the LR S4 is real that the one you guys are talking about

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    @katiewallace0918 said:
    I had three LR and found my third section (LR) to be hard. I had LR RC LR LR LG.

    I had the same order and I feel the exact same about the third LR section. Maybe it just felt harder because we were nearing the end of the test?

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    I had the same order as you and from my understanding the first was experimental 26qs 3rd was real 26qs and fourth was real 25 qs. I found the third one to be so hard, but maybe it was cause i just did an experimental LR and an RC was my brain was mush. > @Emily2122 said:

    I had the same order and I feel the exact same about the third LR section. Maybe it just felt harder because we were nearing the end of the test?

  • jillianseymour75jillianseymour75 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I had 3 LRs: LR LR RC LR LG

    If I recall correctly, the first LR with 26qs had a question about ghosts.

  • HemingwayHemingway Alum Member
    177 karma

    Was the 25 question LR with skin acid real? Please say no lol.

  • floridabasketball13floridabasketball13 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    Was the RC with Kapuchik and Placebos/Trademark and Copyright Law/Native American rock art experimental or real?

  • 1_2_aletsgoblue1_2_aletsgoblue Alum Member
    47 karma

    @floridabasketball13 said:
    Was the RC with Kapuchik and Placebos/Trademark and Copyright Law/Native American rock art experimental or real?


  • HemingwayHemingway Alum Member
    177 karma

    @floridabasketball13 said:
    Was the RC with Kapuchik and Placebos/Trademark and Copyright Law/Native American rock art experimental or real?

    It was real.

  • 1_2_aletsgoblue1_2_aletsgoblue Alum Member
    47 karma

    @Hemingway said:
    Was the 25 question LR with skin acid real? Please say no lol.

    I remember stomach acid of cows. I don't remember skin acid? But I understand the LR experimental was 26 Q. Unless there are different experimentals?

  • HemingwayHemingway Alum Member
    177 karma

    @"Eric Szkarlat" said:

    I remember stomach acid of cows. I don't remember skin acid? But I understand the LR experimental was 26 Q. Unless there are different experimentals?

    And acid of cows was also burglaries I believe right?

    I think some had a 26q experimental and some a 25q experimental.

  • Sadaf529Sadaf529 Member
    25 karma

    I had 2 LG - I need to know if the one with the scientists is real or experimental?

    My RC had a passage on supernova/indigenous people and entertainment law/fictional characters in case that helps people!

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    Scroll up, the one with scientists is experimental.> @Sadaf529 said:

    I had 2 LG - I need to know if the one with the scientists is real or experimental?

    My RC had a passage on supernova/indigenous people and entertainment law/fictional characters in case that helps people!

  • arina185arina185 Member
    44 karma

    This is from PowerScore thread:

    Real Logic Games (not necessarily in order)

    2. Different color statues/pillars and what order the colors would go, shortest to tallest
    3. Two branches of corporation (east and west) with three departments (investments, loan, mortgage)
    4. Building with 9 apartments on 3 floors (luxury, modern, traditional)

    Real Reading Comprehension (not necessarily in order)

    1. Comparative: Quebec plays/playwright in Scotland; South African (Athol Fugard) plays/playwright East Germany (two playwrights in cultures other than their own)
    2. Pueblo Indian rock inscriptions as art about the Crab supernova (astronomy)
    3. Copyright vs trademark law
    4. Placebo drug research

    Real Logical Reasoning

    Increasing currency in circulation
    Seatbelt usage
    Marie Antoinette
    Obesity to desirable weight
    E. coli in cows
    Individual v. Corporate taxation
    Female birds and noise
    Park ranger and cows grazing
    Percentage of homes that get broken into that have/don't have alarm systems (last question in a section)
    Lie detector test
    Unfair policy of registering pets
    Cars' headlights a distraction

  • HemingwayHemingway Alum Member
    177 karma

    Can we confirm that one LR had 26 Qs?

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited January 2019 737 karma

    Yes, one LR had 26 questions. The other had 25.

    I'm so disappointed that the bank game was real.

  • qwerjudiceqwerjudice Free Trial Member
    32 karma

    Does anyone know whether the LG section with the last one containing word like “originate” is real? I can’t remember the exact context and setting, only that one condition is “L can lead to at least two xx”?

  • yurple591yurple591 Alum Member
    62 karma

    was the one with a coal burning plant experimental? that whole section was weird for me. not sure why..

  • RunawayJuryRunawayJury Alum Member
    143 karma

    @ExcludedMiddle said:
    Yes, one LR had 26 questions. The other had 25.

    I'm so disappointed that the bank game was real.

    Same, the other was like all the game sections I have ever done. Games is my strongest section but all these games felt so weird, especially compared to the other set. I felt like they were all somewhat complicated, compared to the first one where the first is usually a freebie and so on. Super upsetting

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