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Admission Consulting

Hi 7sagers,
I was wondering if it looks bad to reapply next year with the same addendums and DS and PS?
I’m debating whether to pay for admission consultanting service (7sage/Spivey/PowerScore) for this cycle, which is already late, or do the best I can on my own for this cycle and wait to hire them for the next cycle when I have a better chance overall.
If I can reuse the material for next cycle, then I suppose hiring them for this cycle would be worth it since that way I can give both cycle a much better shot, right? (Hiring them for both cycles is not an option for me since their service costs 3k+).
I have a mediocre GPA 3.5ish, three cancels for the LSAT and waiting for the January score.
Some feedback would be highly appreciated!
If you have experience working with any of these consulting services above, please share your experience or PM me!
Thank you in advance!


  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    To be honest, it really depends on your goal schools. If you're aiming T14 or something, then yeah I would recommend just applying early next cycle with a polished app. I am pretty sure each of those services do a free consultation session to make sure you actually need their help before making you decide.

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    I was wondering if it looks bad to reapply next year with the same addendums and DS and PS?

    It probably does. I am inclined to think (without hard evidence) that, unless you have something like +3.8 GPA and +172 LSAT, admission committees would be far less willing to overlook your lack of effort.

    I’m debating whether to pay for admission consultanting service (7sage/Spivey/PowerScore) for this cycle, which is already late, or do the best I can on my own for this cycle and wait to hire them for the next cycle when I have a better chance overall.

    If you are talking about à la carte services like personal statement revision, then I don't see why not. If you are talking about full service packages, however, then I urge you to hold back until next cycle.

    That said, if you are thinking about applying this cycle and the next, why not wait until the next cycle? If you apply during this cycle (which is very late already) and things don't turn out well, you would be applying again next cycle. You will be a reapplicant, which means you will have lower chances of admissions to schools you applied to during this cycle.

  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7336 karma

    You should revise your written materials if you're reapplying.

    As @eRetaker mentioned, I'm happy to talk to you on the phone about this to make sure it's worth your time and money. Just email to set up a call.

  • PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
    446 karma

    Thanks for everybody’s response! I do REALLY hope to get in this cycle ... preferably T40 with $$$
    I’m still contemplating...

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