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NYC study group

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
in General 1810 karma

We had another great BR session on Saturday and finished the parts of the Nov. test (PT 86) that we were unable to go over in JY's group sessions. Next we're taking PT 50 and meeting to BR it on Sat., Feb. 2. I've been hosting in the fancypants lounge area of my building in Long Island City, Queens. We've had about 4 people each time, and I make snacks. Please message me if you're interested.


  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma


  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Is everyone ready to get down with some riddled basins of attraction?! Excited to BR PT50 this Sat. Feb. 2 in my LIC lounge. Please bring a clean copy of the whole test that just has all of the ?s you chose for BR circled. We'll prioritize once we convene and get through as much as we can. I'm flexible for the start time. Just let me know ASAP what works best for you guys, and I'll have snacks ready. Tagging those I know are interested but any 7Sager is welcome as long as you're prepared. Message me privately if you need my address.
    @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    Hey! I'm in New York and might be able to join down the line. Do you guys pick which PT to review as you meet or is there a tentative schedule?

    I'm registered for July and my plan is to take a PT every ten days or so starting at PT65 this upcoming week.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    @Gladiator_2017 said:
    Hey! I'm in New York and might be able to join down the line. Do you guys pick which PT to review as you meet or is there a tentative schedule?

    I'm registered for July and my plan is to take a PT every ten days or so starting at PT65 this upcoming week.

    Hi! We pick PTs as we go, and we decide our meetup dates as we go, as well. You're welcome to hop on board when you're ready. After we meet this Saturday, I'll post again with details about how we are proceeding.

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    @2ndTimestheCharm gotcha! I hope Saturday goes well.

    Are folks in the group taking in March or most likely in the summer/fall? I feel like July is so far away (probably since it's about -5 degrees right now) but then also right around the corner!

  • Waffle23Waffle23 Alum Member
    603 karma

    Hi @2ndTimestheCharm count me in again. However, I don't think I'll be able to stop by until 2:30pm. If that's too late for everyone, please feel free to go ahead and get started without me!

    Note to self: Check train schedule for this weekend LOL

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201
    Tagging you guys again - hopefully you're seeing this. What start time is good for everyone?

  • billybob113billybob113 Member
    6 karma

    Around 2 or 2:30 also works for me!

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Let's gather at 2pm, and if people trickle in, that's ok.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    edited February 2019 1810 karma

    Update: I'll be in the room at 2:15pm, and we'll get started by 2:30pm.
    @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Hi > @Gladiator_2017 said

    Are folks in the group taking in March or most likely in the summer/fall? I feel like July is so far away (probably since it's about -5 degrees right now) but then also right around the corner!

    The three of us who have been consistently meeting took the November test, and I’m planning to retake in both June and July.

  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma

    Let me know, I’m thinking of taking the July Exam

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    edited February 2019 1810 karma

    It ended up being just me and skhan012018 today, but we had a great session. We got through sections 2 (LR) and 3 (LG) of PT50. I propose we get together on Sat., Feb. 16 to BR sections 1 (RC) and 4 (LR). We also decided it would be good to do PT60 next.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    This Sat., Feb. 16, is when we really get down with some riddled basins of attraction! Excited to BR PT50, sections 1 (RC) and 4 (LR). Please bring a clean copy of the whole test that just has all of the ?s you chose for BR circled. We'll prioritize the RC and get through as much as we can. The lounge my LIC building is booked until 2, so we'll start at 2:30, and people can leave when they need to leave. I'll have snacks ready, as usual. Tagging those I know are interested, but any 7Sager is welcome as long as you're prepared. Message me privately if you need my address.
    @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    @vichinsky @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017

    Today's session made us all world-renowned experts on riddled basins of attraction. We got through most of the rest of PT50 (fun fact: JY's official admin:) and so we're moving on to PT60. We're planning to meet again next Saturday, but we'll confirm as it gets closer.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    @vichinsky @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017
    Hello! The lounge is booked until 3pm. Are you guys down to work from 3:30-6:30 this Saturday? We'll be BRing PT 60, one LR section and the RC section. Let me know if that time window is good or if we should postpone.

  • LawyerBarbieLawyerBarbie Member
    164 karma

    Hey I am just seeing this , I cant do this weekend. But would love to meet one of the other weekends. You should start a whatsapp chat

  • mrbuttonsmrbuttons Alum Member
    179 karma

    @2ndTimestheCharm I can do that.

  • vichinskyvichinsky Live Member
    519 karma

    If it was earlier i could do it.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Update: Since very few people could make it tomorrow, we've decided to postpone and hold our next meeting on March 9.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    @vichinsky @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017

    Hey. Does anyone want to meet up this Saturday to being BR on PT 60? Let me know, and if a handful of people are in, I'll see what time the room is available.

  • vichinskyvichinsky Live Member
    519 karma

    Im interested.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Anyone else? I'll need to know by tomorrow. Thanks.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Damn. The room is reserved from 1-4. If you guys want to meet in the evening, please let me know today. Otherwise, we'll try again next Saturday.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    So we decided we're going to meet next Saturday and BR PT 70 live in LIC.
    @vichinsky @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    edited March 2019 1810 karma

    So we decided we're going to meet this Saturday, March 16 and BR PT 70 live in LIC. I have to make sure the lounge is free, but I'm thinking 2-6pm.
    @vichinsky @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017 @yurple591

  • Waffle23Waffle23 Alum Member
    603 karma

    Hey @2ndTimestheCharm any idea yet for which sections we'd want to go over in order of priority?

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    edited March 2019 1810 karma

    Not yet. Taking 69 today and 70 on Friday. If anyone has suggestions, I'm open to anything. Praying the room is free for us on Saturday. I'll find out for sure tomorrow. Does 2-6pm sound fine?

  • Waffle23Waffle23 Alum Member
    603 karma

    For me, it would be more like 2:30-5:45pm. But you guys are free to go ahead and get started

  • mrbuttonsmrbuttons Alum Member
    179 karma

    2-6 works for me. Thanks

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    edited March 2019 1810 karma

    Good news! The room is free! Please join us at 2pm this Saturday, March 16, to BR PT 70. Hopefully we can get through all of RC and one LR section. I think it's best if we're all looking at clean (unmarked) copies. I'd love to start promptly at 2pm, so @skhan012018 - please let us know if there's anything we should be sure not to start with so you don't miss it.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    We welcome any 7sagers to join. Just PM me if you need my address. @Haglerfran

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Please join us at 2pm this Saturday, March 16, to BR PT 70. Hopefully we can get through all of RC and one LR section. I think it's best if we're all looking at clean (unmarked) copies. I'd love to start promptly at 2pm, so @skhan012018 - please let us know if there's anything we should be sure not to start with so you don't miss it. All 7Sagers are welcome, but you need to have already taken PT 70 under timed conditions, or at least just the two sections we're BRing, which will be sections 1 and 2 (the first LR and the RC). Cheers and happy studying!

  • Waffle23Waffle23 Alum Member
    603 karma

    Hi, I think if you guys start with LR, I would be ok with that. I think it’d be more useful to go over the RC as a group

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    OK, cool. Looking forward to seeing you guys! I also suggest we do the RC section in reverse. I found the first passage to be the easiest and the last passage the hardest.

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    edited March 2019 1810 karma

    Hey! Does anyone want to BR one LR section and the RC from PT71 this Saturday, March 23, live in LIC, Queens? It's one stop from Grand Central on the 7 train. The lounge is free until 4pm, and we could start as early as anyone wants. I'm also open to doing a different PT if there's interest. I've taken most of them...
    @vichinsky @billybob113 @skhan012018 @mrbuttons @jimmyrivera201 @Gladiator_2017 @Haglerfran @ILikeCereal @ecarr_12 @stardiazia.chambliss @KeepCalm @CurlyQQQ @TChalla @AndrewAlterio @historyteacher @tarleesonie @Celineny

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    If anyone want to meet tomorrow, please let me know. If not, I'm going to keep reaching out about future Saturdays :smiley:

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