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Getting rattled and lost within the stimulus

MelvinBuffettMelvinBuffett Alum Member

Hi all,

I finished the CC earlier this week and took my first PT since my diagnostic a couple days ago. I did quite well going from a 150 to a 160 but my biggest gains were in RC and LG. During the second half of the LR sections (especially the second LR section), I felt like I would read over the stimulus and not be able to digest it because I felt so pressed for time. This definitely showed in my pre-blind review LR scores.

In the CC LR untimed problem sets, I would routinely get 5/5 questions right so I guess my question is in other 7sagers experiences, is there something I can do to help remedy this problem? Or will more PTs/blind review do the trick?

Thanks y'all, I greatly appreciate any input!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Really just more practice is what you need. A ten point jump after the CC is great! Don't let the LR difficulties get you down. You'll be able to improve. I think that it's easier to answer problems in sets for a couple reasons: !), you're obviously not stressed for time. 2) doing the same problem type several times in a row is easier than jumping around the way you have to during full sections. With more practice, you'll solidify your techniques which will help you with speed and then hopefully you won't be worried about time so much. You'll also improve your stamina. Reading and focusing that hard for several hours is difficult! You will get better though

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