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Less than ideal testing conditions

Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
in General 248 karma

Has anyone ever sat for the LSAT in less than ideal testing conditions? Let me hear your story!

Not to one up you, but......

This was my second time taking the exam. The first time was at a college with comfortable desks and a quiet atmosphere. This time it was at a hotel that was a complete mess. The exam room was near the lobby so there was a lot of traffic from hotel guests. They were very loud in the hallway. We were also close to a kitchen and you could hear the staff speaking occasionally. There were also some loud crashes with various pans falling in the kitchen area. The desks had tablecloths on them so that wasn’t the easier to use with filling in the scantron form. At the break the test taker I was sitting with agreed to remove the table cloth. But that didn’t help since the desk was wood and kept sticking to our shirts. I even got a splinter during the writing section. Fml


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8706 karma

    Sorry to hear this. Members of the 7sage forum often review testing centers. You might want to consider doing so so people can try to avoid the experience you had.

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