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Does it look bad if I keep changing my test date? I'm registered for the March 30 LSAT and today's the last day to change the test date. I ALREADY was registered for the Jan 26 LSAT a few months ago and I changed it to this one. (Also, I dont remember the details clearly, but I was filling something out on LSAC in my actual account and I remember listing November 2018 LSAT as the test date I was preparing for but I never actually registered... not sure if that could further count against me in this case)
Problem is I'm NOT feeling ready and although I know no one will ever feel completely prepared, I at least want to feel some type of confidence. My main problem is time. I'm not fast enough yet and I always miss the last questions because I never get to them. And my raging anxiety that kicks in when realizing im taking too long during pt's is throwing me off too much.
SO-- besides the obvious monetary aspect of test date changing, is it bad to keep postponing your test? In the eyes of LSAC or the law schools you apply to, does it LOOK bad to keep pushing it back, or can this potentially lower my chances in the admissions process in any way?
Nope! Rest assured, no one can see that you changed a test date. The only thing that goes on your record is your test result, if you cancel your score after taking the test, or if you don't show up to take it (marked "absent"). If you change your date or location, or withdraw prior to test day, no school will ever see that. (LSAC does just because they're the ones that administer the test, but it doesn't mean anything to them.)
Hello! I believe that information regarding any test-date changes will not be reflected in your CAS (Credential Assembly Service). I tried to find a concrete source on LSAC's website to verify my comment but I could not find any
I think it would be in your benefit to not even register for a date just yet! I understand that this is not feasible but if you are able to take your time during your LSAT prep then you should fully take advantage of that
Instead of scheduling a date to sit for the exam, register when you feel like you are ready to take the exam. You will save yourself from the anxiety and added pressure of committing to the registration. You deserve to feel relaxed while studying for the LSAT! 
Hey! To be honest, I feel like only you will know when you're ready. Are you scoring in the range that if you got that score on the LSAT, would you be satisfied or will you be completely broken? I feel like I keep being really difficult on myself and cancelling the test too. I want to just calm down and work on timed sections, take timed tests, and just BR effectively.
Once I feel like I'm scoring in the high 60s or early 70s consistently, I feel like I will just have to go take the test. There will eventually come a time that one can get too in their head and not realize that they are ready for this test. So, don't worry too much...take your time, and figure out what score you want to reach. Then, make a plan to reach that score.
You said time is a problem for you, and to be honest, I feel like the digital test is going to help so much with that. We will get the timer and be able to move between questions quickly. It is just going to save time in bubbling and remove errors in that too. I feel like you should definitely register for the July test!
Thanks to everyone for their comments and advice. I have registered for the July LSAT
good luck to everyone!
Good luck! it was a good question, i cam here to snoop on the answers lol
I don't disagree with Princess's advice, but it's worth pointing out July is only 50/50 digital, so arenas122 could just as easily get a paper test in July. But getting a free test out of it if your score isn't what you want on the July exam might make it worth the uncertainty.