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When Is It Ok (And Not Ok) to Contact Admissions?

Is it the time of year to be asking this, or what?

So here's what happened: I visited a school I am applying to this past week---went on a tour, observed a class, and spoke with the Dean of Admissions. I consider this school a safety. I applied in mid-January and went complete Feb 15 when the January LSAT came out. I have been under review since February at this school. When I spoke to the Dean, she said to me, "Aren't we still waiting on something for your application?" I hope my jaw did not drop when she said this, because internally I was freaking the freak out. I said I didn't think so, and she told me that they would respond to my app this week or next week. It made me start worrying, though, that other schools are sitting on my apps, not reading them while they dish out all their scholarship money, and I'll be left in the dust, because they think they're waiting on something too. It's totally possible that that adcomm said that with no context, and was just saying it.

Would it be weird, or hurtful to my app in any way, to contact the other schools and ask them if my app is ok? If they need something? My status checkers all say, "Complete and Under Review" or something of that sort. When I asked this question on Reddit they said that the school would ask if my app needed something. Also, a lot of people who are February applicants are saying they haven't heard back yet. What do you think?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited April 2019 23929 karma


    If it says complete, I wouldn’t call the schools. But if you want to in order to put your mind at ease, I don’t think it would necessarily hurt. But I have no real information to back that up, so check with one of the 7Sage admissions experts like @"selene.steelman" to answer that.

    I’m a late applicant. Applied at the end of January and went complete in Feb when scores came out. I applied to 5 schools and have only heard back from 2/5. The rest of my apps remain under review. There are people who applied 5-6 months ago who still haven’t heard back yet so hang tight. Some schools are notorious for ghosting students for months without movement.

    The good news is, the cycle is winding down and you should get decisions likely by the end of this month.

    Best of luck with your cycle!

  • LouislepauvreLouislepauvre Alum Member
    750 karma

    @Alex Thanks! You too! I only applied to 5 schools (all in the same city) and have heard from two--both the highest ranked schools and both waitlists. Two of the three I haven't heard from are my safeties. Do you mind if I ask the result of the two schools you did hear from? I got my waitlists rather quickly; it's the other three that are taking their time.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited April 2019 23929 karma

    @Louislepauvre said:

    @Alex Thanks! You too! I only applied to 5 schools (all in the same city) and have heard from two--both the highest ranked schools and both waitlists. Two of the three I haven't heard from are my safeties. Do you mind if I ask the result of the two schools you did hear from? I got my waitlists rather quickly; it's the other three that are taking their time.

    Yeah no problem!

    So far 2 acceptances and 1 interview that I have not received a decision for yet.

    Still under review at 2 of the schools.

    Yeah some schools take forever. It really depends... I’ve literally had zero movement for the 2 schools I’m UR at since I applied. It totally sucks haha. Especially with deposit deadline approaching so quickly.

    Keep faith, and it will all work out!

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    @Louislepauvre If you call the admissions offices and politely ask if there is anything missing from your application, it shouldn't be a problem. Deposit deadline are coming up and tis the season for AO's to get check in calls from candidates. Good luck!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    If it helps any, I was just admitted to a school last week that I applied to on January 2, and rejected from one a couple weeks ago that I applied to on December 17. This cycle is simply moving very very slowly. I can understand the anxiety though. I have 2 schools that I need scholarship info from still and other schools’ deposit deadlines are rapidly approaching. I say just hang tight, but as Selene said, I think you’d be alright if you called and just said, “I wanted to double check that you have everything you need from me.” And if they yes it’s complete, just say, “Ok great, thanks, have a great day!” and hang up. Don’t grill them on when to expect an answer because schools are swamped right now. I would guess you’ll see movement within the next week or 2. Many schools are having events for admitted students this weekend, and once those are over admissions will have more time again to make final decisions.

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