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September LSAT studying

Layth HertLayth Hert Alum Member

so i'm a junior in college and i'm going home for the summer and just devoting my time to studying for the LSAT (full time). so i was wondering what the best way to study. like should i study 35-40 hours a week? or take my time getting through the core curriculum and then do practice tests? i'm not sure how to plan my schedule to finish on time and have the most effective way of studying (i did really bad on my diagnostic i got in the 130s so i have a lot of work to do). but yeah if anyone could help me figure out the best way to study that would be great!


  • EagerestBeaverEagerestBeaver Alum Member
    703 karma

    My experience (to help you determine how useful my forthcoming advice is): Started studying around Thanksgiving 2018 for the March 2019 LSAT. Went from a 151 diagnostic to a 157. Not bad at all, but lots of room for improvement. In about 15ish weeks I put up at least 300 hours (I stopped counting Mid-Feb). You should definitely do the core curriculum. It is probably the best value for the price and quality/quantity of information. If you tested in the 130s, no disrespect with this comment, you need a solid framework to begin attacking each portion of the test. You should take as much time as you need to go through the core curriculum that you are understanding what you are learning. At your score, there is likely no need for you to be taking another practice test until you finish the core curriculum. Once you understand necessary/sufficient, general flaw/weaken/strengthen concepts, how to diagram, and basic RC strategies, it is probable your score will go up (very possible it goes up significantly) and that will give you a much more realistic starting point for you.

    TL:DR Take your time on core curriculum, learn frameworks for RC, LR, and LG, retest after all of that and reexamine where you are at

  • Layth HertLayth Hert Alum Member
    76 karma

    thanks a ton! this was very helpful

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