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Study buddy in NJ/NYC

kwakes3kwakes3 Free Trial Member
edited June 2014 in General 4 karma
I'm a recent graduate looking for a study buddy in New Jersey or New York area to meet in person or via skype to study. I'm around edison, New Brunswick area but also not too far from the city. My goal is to get a 165+ on the lsat. Please email me if interested


  • edited June 2019 29 karma

    I'm at 162 looking to make it to 180 by September. I am e-mailing you now.

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    edited June 2019 2227 karma

    Haha check the date of the post! There are other study groups forming right now if you want to filter the discussion posts to more recent ones. There is also a Study Buddy finder under the Discussion tab.

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