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Resume Organization Question?

edited June 2019 in Law School Admissions 71 karma

Quick resume question: I am 3 years out of college, so I currently have my Experience section listed first, but I also had multiple internships while I was in college. As a result, I was planning to organize my resume sections as follows : [Post-Graduate Experience, Education, Undergraduate Experience, Undergraduate Leadership and Activities, Awards, and Skills].

I am wondering what others think of this organization strategy, or if it would be better to condense my experience and undergraduate experience in to one section: [Experience, Education, Undergraduate Leadership and Activities, Awards, and Skills?]

The latter felt strange to me, to have all experience, including internships I held during college, listed prior to my education section (and as a result pushing my education section to the second page of my resume), but would love input.


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    I would suggest you order your resume: Education (listing activities, publications, academic awards), Professional Experience, College Internships, Interests. When an admissions officer reviews your resume, they will want to know as quickly as possible: where you went to undergrad, when you graduated, what you majored in, how active you were during your studies, what work experience you have had if any, what internship experience you've had if any, and any demonstrated interest in law.

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