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Transcript Requirement Question


I have a question regarding transcripts that I am hoping to get some clarity on. I emailed LSAC about this but wanted to see if others have had a similar experience.

During one of my undergraduate semesters, I attended a study abroad program through the School for International Training (SIT). While I was abroad in South America for the semester, all components of the program were organized by SIT, a US based program with organized, semester long study abroad programs all over the world.

I received transfer credits for the 5 courses I took while studying abroad, and while the course titles and grades I received for the courses appear on my official undergraduate transcript (for the school from which I received my Bachelors degree), the grades were not included in my undergraduate GPA.

Does anyone know if it is necessary to request a formal transcript from SIT for this semester, or if the fact that these 5 courses do appear on my official undergraduate transcript would be sufficient?

Some of the information I read on the LSAC website led me to believe it was not necessary to ask SIT for a transcript, but I wanted to check as I did not read anything that described my exact study abroad situation. I also did not see a section for adding an institution such as SIT, as it does not seem to fall under any of the existing categories. I was also not entirely sure if you could request a transcript from an institution if the institution is not listed in CAS.



  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Based on the language at, it seems, based on your description of your transcript, like these SIT credits would be considered "credit was transferred from an institution and it appears on another institution’s transcript."

    But I would encourage you to call LSAC customer service for a definitive answer: 215.968.1001. You don't want to misinterpret their requirements and have LSAC hold up your CAS Report. Good luck!

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