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LOR from Supervisor in Volunteer Position?

sarahking0523sarahking0523 Free Trial Member

I already have 2 academic LORs, and I will be prioritizing those for schools that only allow 2. My academic recommenders have only known me for a relatively short time, but my supervisor has known me for about 6 years and can speak more to my leadership abilities. Is it worth asking him for a letter for schools that allow more than 2? I understand that most schools prefer academic letters, but would it be helpful to have a third letter giving a different perspective than the other 2? Thanks in advance!


  • ChiChi55ChiChi55 Alum Member
    177 karma

    If you are close with your supervisor and believe he can write a great letter, then I think yes. Have you been out of college for a while? If so, you may get by with even having him being one of your letters for schools that only allow 2. Either way, I think it's a good idea to have 3 or 4 people write you letters just in case.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    I think that's a great idea if you think he will write an amazing letter. Probably sit and talk with him about what your goals are and what you think he specifically can speak to that others cannot about you. I did have a supervisor from my internship write a letter for me and I think she saw a different side of me rather than just professors in a classroom setting.

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