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Increase score by 4-6 points in 6 weeks?

itsemmarobynitsemmarobyn Member
edited October 2019 in General 272 karma

Hi friends, I just finished my first PT after finishing the CC. I scored a 162 (165 on BR) and my best section by far was RC (-3 raw, -0 BR). I found that there were quite a few questions that I got wrong solely on blind review. Does anyone have any tips to help remedy that? Any tips in general on how (or if it’s even possible to) increase my score to the high 160s by the November test?


  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    1094 karma

    Consider your BR score your current capacity in a best case scenario (barring miracles.)
    Of course you will improve as you progress through studies. Will you pick up 4-6 points in 6 weeks? That depends on you and your studies.
    The "easiest" (there is no easy) way to pick up points is in the LG section. If you aren't getting 23 of 23 every time then work on fool-proofing games, games, and more games. After that, I'd prioritize doing translation drills on LR questions. There's a great book called "The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning" that explains this awesome method in detail and helped me go from -11 to -1 on LR sections.
    Best of luck in your studies!

  • aussie_zacaussie_zac Alum Member
    90 karma

    I literally couldn't agree more with @99thPercentileOrDieTryin.

    You are soooo lucky that you killed RC. It's definitely the hardest to improve on.

    Loophole book is epic. It also took me from -10/-12 down to -2/-4 in like 4 weeks. Also if you can pick up a second hand copy of the P/Score books I found a few bits and pieces helpful in there.

    The only other thing I would say is do not expect linear improvement. I put in months of work and was still scoring between 160-165 with one 167. Then out of the blue I got a 170 and now every PT is 170(+/- 2). You will put in a heap of work and see hardly any improvement and then it's like suddenly it all happens at once.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    You can improve 6 points in 4 weeks if the 6 points you can get can be from logic games. 4 weeks of just cramming LG and maintaining the others is enough to improve 6 points imo.

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