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Some tips for reading accuracy on Logic Games

EveryCookCanGovernEveryCookCanGovern Alum Member
edited October 2019 in Logic Games 401 karma

I don't know about you guys but something I have had to contend with since the digital format is striving to read LG rules as accurately as possible. It's just something about the digital format that makes misreading or completely missing a rule more likely for me, which had never been an issue before. On RC and LR this isn't catastrophic but on LG it is, as you will blunder the entire game from such a tiny mistake as missing a "not" within a rule. So here are some tips for those who have encountered the same problem as I did.

1) Read slow. This is just great across all sections. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. It's especially hard on LG since we want to bank as much time as possible for the miscellaneous monster, but in the end rushing will more likely cause blunders than it will bank time.

2) Tick the rules with your highlighter. By ticking I mean just highlight either the first letter or the first word of the rule statement. This way you are accounting that you've taken the rule into consideration. If you try and highlight the whole statement you risk highlighting the rule underneath it by accident as you lift your finger off the screen, fickle as touchscreens are, which has happened to me before.

3) DON'T FORGET TO TRY TO SCROLL DOWN THE RULES PAGE. This has happened more often then I'd like to admit. You're in the zone, translating your rules, not realizing there are more rules underneath the ones you just wrote until you get to a question and things just aren't making sense. Frustration and panic ensues and throws you out of your focused mode. You can always bounce back from a blunder of course, but it's always best to just avoid it from the beginning.

4) Return to the rules and set up when no answers appear as correct. Generally you will find that you misread something or missed a rule. Often times this means you have to start the game all over to account for the corrected mistake. You might start to feel dread and start to think "it's not even worth it to finish the section now, I won't have time." Although it's always unpleasant to start over, you shouldn't think you won't finish. Full proofing trains us to finish with extra time and it's always possible to bounce back from a mistake. Perhaps you will have to auto-select for the last three questions, but that still leaves good chances for a strong performances on games.


  • joe.dicicco.1993joe.dicicco.1993 Alum Member
    36 karma

    Good read. Thanks for this! My biggest challenge is handling time pressure. It's just too easy to let one problem or mistake throw you off!

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