Hey 7Sagers,
Here's the official October 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread.
Please keep all discussions of the October 2019 LSAT here!
✅ You can identify experimental sections. 🙆♀️
You can say things such as the following:
- “I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?”
- “I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?”
- “I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”
❌ You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:
- “Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right?” (Don't mention the game type)
- “The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)?” (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
- “What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)?” (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
Best of luck to all test-takers today! Wish I were there. May the logic be easy and the curve be generous.
I had three LR sections. Two of them had 26 questions and one of them had 25. Please tell me the 25 question one counted?
Did anyone find this test very difficult?
The real RC: was about jazz, volcanoes, cycling/camping, and intellectual property
The real LG: contained a game about tour guides for two South American countries and a game about shelving
How would you all rate the difficulty of this test compared to the aggregate of practice tests you've taken?
@shapesandspace I don't remember cycling. I remember Ice Core drilling instead.
No I think the 25 LR is experimental
Oh man. I was feeling pretty confident, but now I'm just extremely anxious
Both real LR had 26 questions. One of the had a question involving financial fraud by employees at a company. The other had a question about squids, a question about planets (something about Jupiter)
Real RC was jazz, cycling, volcanoes, intellectual property.
Games was employees giving tours of Venezuela and Uruguay over Jan, Feb, March.
I think the two LR sections are about average, LG is rather easier, except the third one was a bit weird though the last one was easy. For some reason I didn’t do as well as I’d hope in RC (probably because I was mentally exhausted in section 5)...
Didn't the real RC have ice glaciers / ice drilling?
I don't know if today's exam is going to be used next week for other takers, I don't want a big discussion, but I get a sense that some people have differing opinions about the main point of some passages
I had an RC repeated so I know which ones are real LG. LG yes had Venezuela and Uruguay as well as shelves being stacked.
My bad you’re right. I don’t know why I said volcanoes. Something about sulphuric acid
I honestly didn't feel like anything was particularly difficult except maybe the LR was a little bit more challenging, I noticed because I didnt have any remaining time in either LR sections and most of the time I have atleast 30 seconds after answering. first LR was harder than second in my opinion
I don't know if its just me but the last passage of RC on intellectual property was so hard for me to get the details - I feel like I just solved the questions based on vague impressions I had on each passages..
I didnt count questions in my LR so im not sure which was experimental!
Im worried because I had two pretty difficult ones, and one that I felt I did extremely well on. Can someone please let me know if they also had LR experimental, and if they know if it was the easier one or not? I want to figure out if my easier LR is going to at least be counted.
did anyone else find reading super difficult
The last RC was extra abstract and esoteric IMO. Just attempted to take the online writing section and the software crashed, meaning I have to petition for LSAC to reset the launch link for me and discard my first attempt. Great, lol.
LR: 26
LG: 23
- weird — id like to find that shelving game tho. Sounds like an oldie.
LR: 26
- meh
LR: 25
- okay - probably my best section
RC: 27 I think?
- the one about the bikes left me CONFUSED. I barely had time for that passage, I did the comparative before. So many view points, I feel it would have been easier with more time. The RC was VERY long
All in all, I can say I learned about how butterfly mouths formed.
They really wanted to test us on what do these two people disagree about didn't they? Is it confirmed that the LR 25 was experimental? That had to be the easiest section.
Can someone please tell me if the LR section with the question about the doctor taking away medication of a patient (something like that) was experimental or not? it was at the very beginning of the section, within the first 5 questions.
This was real
I wish someone prepared me for the kind of stylus they provided. It worked somewhat fine (albeit not every time) for picking the right answer choice (basically tapping on the screen), but it failed me every time I tried to highlight or scroll down. I wasted too much time trying to get it to work. At the end of the test, we were told to keep it as a souvenir
In addition, they only let us raise the tablets like two inches off the desk surface so I couldn't see anything because of the glare. Little that I knew, you can't change your seat after you get assigned to a specific seat number. These "minor" difficulties threw me completely off balance, and I think I am bound for the January LSAT now. Otherwise, 7sage digital tester is pretty much identical to the one LSAC has. So, I would recommend using it to practice instead of printing prep tests. There is absolutely no need to buy a watch. Digital LSAT has a timer.
Yes! There were sooo many disagree questions.
Was the section with agree questions real?
Overall, a pretty straightforward test. Thankfully, after the nightmare of September...
LR1: Ok
LG: Weird but ill take it
LR2: Decent
LR3: Easy (experimental)
RC: Typical, on the harder end but I don't know bc RC is always hard for me
I felt like the Logic Games should be easy but for some reason I couldn’t figure out the games setup. Was anyone else thrown by the LG section?
The games threw me for a terrible loop. Shouldn’t have been that hard but very unfamiliar. I felt like I was crushing the first 2 lr’s. I’m hoping because lg is quite possibly 50% and so was rc.
This was exactly how I felt! Very unfamiliar compared to all the games I’ve practiced and mastered.
I still don’t understand the Jazz passage lol - any comments on that passage? What did you think
@ChelseyE LG sec was crazy. After I answered 3rd question I realized I was doing it wrong since question #1.
If an LR section felt easier than others, is it usually experimental? How can you tell?
LG was easy but weird. I skipped the first game after first read, because it was not a usual game, did the second game, finished it well. Read the third game, it was unusual, so i skipped it, Did the fourth game, it was easy. Reread the first LG, and it was easy, and I understood it. Then did the 3rd game, it was easy, but did not finish the last 2 questions in time. I am feeling like a -3 on this LG. Not happy. RC felt really hard, and RC tends to be my strongest section. It felt really hard. I had to trust my low resolution, because my high resolution was not good. LR, I was hoping the one with 25 was not experimental. But oh well. the first LR with 26 was hard.
Cycling was somehow the clearest passage ever to me. And core drilling and volcanoes were the same one.
Totally. I was nervous and struggling to find a foothold since all the Games seemed kinda weird. So I actually did Game 4 first. It was the first one that clicked. And I had time to go back to the other 3, and even had time to redo one of them after messing up a rule. So that's progress but, yeah, none of them were standard or easy to set up imo.
I have never seen so many. There were like 13 friggin' disagrees.
Did anyone experience any technical issues with the tablet & stylus?
Logic games were tough for me. To be honest, LG isn't my best section, but I thought I had a better grip on it than that. I couldn't even figure out to draw most of my boards. Just didn't recognize the games. Definitely need to investigate this before Nov. I know some, if not most, didn't seem to have much trouble. Yikes!
lol that thing was a JOKE. The stylus had no integrity so it makes it a royal pain to use. I just used my finger.
I think LG is weird but all the games are not that difficult to solve. I did not have a clear game board to start with. Q3 took me the longest time to finish. RC was a disaster. I just couldn’t understand the last reading.
I had 2 LR sections with 26 each, the test had 102, my experimental was RC
@lsat_studying12 said:
Omg guys. Stoohhpp. I have no memory of this question lmao. Now I’m definitely screwed hahahaha
A girl in line told me she had difficulty with the stylus last time she took the lSAT and used her finger instead for highlighting. So I started out in RC trying to use my finger to highlight and it kept highlighting the line below what I wanted. I switched over to the stylus and found that much more precise to highlight, although it would sometimes still highlight more than what I actually wanted. At one point while answering a question the whole paragraph become highlighted. As a work around, I tried to make sure I set it to "erase" while answering questions.
Occasionally the tablet would skip ahead a couple questions and then I would notice the previous question had not been answered yet even though I never saw it.
Other than those small annoyances, I really enjoyed the digital test format. I found it much easier to focus on each question and preferred it to switching back and forth from scantron to test book. I also liked the visibility of the questions I had flagged so I could quickly go back and review them if/when I had time as opposed to flipping frantically through a test book.
Wait so if we had 5 sections: LR, LG, LR, LR, RC. Then the fourth LR was experimental? That sucks because that was the one that felt the best ):
No technical issues with the tablet & stylus itself but we had administrative issues with assigning tablets/seats. We started our test about 45 min AFTER the scheduled time 😡
I called LSAC to ask if I could bring my own stylus (had this issue in July, it's minor but one less thing to worry about). They said yes. I called again and asked if a supervisor could verify, supervisor said yes. Of course I showed up today and they made me throw it away before entering the room. It was just a stylus, no pen attached or anything...so apparently we're stuck with the LSAC ones.