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last PT was 156, probably pushing LSAT back to June, what do you guys think is possible?

The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
edited November 2013 in General 283 karma
Was wondering what you guys thought would be possible? I've been studying since june, had a 139 diagnostic and last week scored a 156.

Breakdown was (AC's Correct) :

LR1 - 20
LR2 - 21
RC - 16
LG - 12

Wondering what you guys thought was possible for June? Let me know!


  • Rob SlipkovichRob Slipkovich Free Trial Member
    33 karma
    Depends on many factors. However, be sure to continue prep tests often to prove that your 156 was not a spurious case. Prep test scores often can span a broad range of possibilities and it's impossible to recreate test day scenarios. I think that focusing on LG can get you to a 160 especially because games are much easier in the modern tests. I started with a 140 diagnostic, tested at 151 last year and am looking toward a 160+ now. PTs ranged from 151-160 with many careless mistakes.
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    LR sections have been pretty consistent on PT's. RC ranges from 15-18, games is a diff story though. ranges from like 8-17
  • Rob SlipkovichRob Slipkovich Free Trial Member
    33 karma
    You'll see the most improvement on games. LR and RC typically experience little improvement over time. I would review specific games that trip you up and try to do a few extra each day for practice. However, don't neglect your strong sections while studying.
  • Bret CypelBret Cypel Alum Member
    122 karma
    I think a 180 is possible! Work hard! I know you can do it! :)
  • Rasheed N.Rasheed N. Free Trial Member
    65 karma
    I would recommend getting the Logic Games Bible as a supplement to 7Sage. It's a really good book for $30 on Amazon. I give it most of the credit for getting -0 to -3 on the games.
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    I have the LGB I may read through it again.. I have 3 LG books :/
  • K SK S Free Trial Member
    86 karma
    Anyone have any input on the RC Bible?
  • MidriffMidriff Free Trial Member
    17 karma
    Hey K S. I enjoyed the RC bible. It helped me explain the parts of the passages. Like the structure, Multiple View Points and the authors view point, the tone. And some other things 7sage did not touch on.

    Now what I do when i review a passage i always try to point each one of those.

    If you have that all down then I wouldnt bother. But thats the most I got out of it. So with RCs methods and 7 sages methods ive improved my score slitely. Now i just have to do a bunch.
  • Mike.JiangMike.Jiang Alum Member
    17 karma
    30 days left, keep hammering.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14173 karma
    Guys, sorry, I don't want to take over this conversation, but I have to interject about the Bibles. I do not endorse them. I know my word is suspect because I have conflicting interests. I can only say that my interest in your LSAT success trumps our financial interest and I hope you'll believe me.

    If our RC methods are not sufficient, go with the LSAT Trainer.
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    JY I agree, I love the trainer. I wish I had gone with the trainer exclusively for all the sections of the LSAT, to be honest. J.Y. now that you're here though, lets hear your opinion on the thread?!
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