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Need motivation/advice

joshowens16joshowens16 Alum Member
in General 73 karma

Hi everyone I've been using 7Sage for about 2 months now. I originally planned on taking the January LSAT but I realized recently that I'm not as close to my goal as I want to be (high 160's). So I decided to push back and take the test later next year and give myself much more time. Despite all that I've learned about the LSAT the biggest epiphany I've had is that going from the mid 150's to the high 160's is a lot more work than I expected. I'm fine with pushing back the test but since I have so much more time to prep I don't know where to start. I moved through the core curriculum pretty quickly and I'm thinking about going back through it. I also do not know when I should start taking PT's... I know that while the core curriculum is important for understanding theory, PT's are the best practice. Since I have access to every PT on here I want to get through all of them...

Any recommendations on where to REstart?:(


  • johnnylawjohnnylaw Alum Member
    48 karma

    Definitely know what you mean on this. One thing that I felt I did too late was ask for help. I kept my studying confined to me and myself, and learned I couldn't always hold myself accountable nor could I break some bad habits. I took the July LSAT after haphazardly studying for a few months and it didn't pay off for me, which has pushed back when I will submit applications this year. One way to hold myself accountable after the July test was to get a tutor. I know there are tutors on 7Sage that have varying costs, but having a tutor does help as you have someone you are (A) paying (like a gym membership, it is a financial incentive) and (B) will lead to breakthroughs (which spur motivation). Another way, if money is a concern, is to find study partners (will take more work to do this) and get involved in the online community.

  • bananabobananabo Core Member
    1211 karma

    If you haven’t already, definitely check out this webinar on post core curriculum study strategies (it was SUPER helpful for me):

    One of the biggest things that I got from the webinar that I want to emphasize is to focus on the fundamentals taught in the CC and use the PTs to expose your weak points and where you need to improve. Don’t take PTs just to take PTs because that’s not going to help you improve. You improve by learning from your mistakes and really honing in on your weaknesses so that you don’t make the same mistakes on the next PT because theoretically, you should only be taking another PT when you feel like you’re going to do better than your previous PT.

    My advice for you moving forward would be to look at the most recent PT you took and REALLY analyze it and look at where you need improvement and start from there. For example, after my last PT, I was doing well on LR and LG but I was really suffering in RC, so my main focus became RC and I kept going back to the CC for fundamentals and started doing problems sets in RC. And once I started feeling like my RC improved, I took another PT to see where I was at – and that’s what I meant about using your PTs to expose your weaknesses, etc.

    I hope this helps, good luck!!

  • PrincessConsuelaPrincessConsuela Alum Member
    47 karma

    What helped me move from upper 150s to upper 160s was doing preptests and then using the analytics tool to focus on the types of questions I get wrong the most. (And BR!!)

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