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Seeking Advice on Using 7Sage Explanation Videos

elijah.barrishelijah.barrish Alum Member
in General 33 karma

Hello. I wanted to get input on the best way to review finished PTs, other than (or after completing) Blind Review. My preference would be to click through a finished PT, question by question, with my answer and the correct answered displayed, along with written explanations of the correct answer.

I can only find video explanations on 7Sage, not written explanations. Is that correct? If so, that makes it a bit harder to do a click-through review in an efficient way. I was wondering how other folks liked to review the answers on past PTs.

Thank you!


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    You can find written explanations frequently in the comments! I know it's not exactly what you are looking for. Unfortunately I don't believe they have transcripts for all (any?) of the video explanations yet.

    I don't really think your method seems the most time efficient, to be honest. What I do after I submit the BR in the digital tester is review questions I got wrong and questions I got right but was unsure of/flagged. For LG I usually skim through those videos regardless of my score to see what I can garner from JY's setup, which sometimes is different from mine. I don't know that it's efficient/useful to review the explanations for every single question - there are so many freebies/easy questions in each section. However some may disagree with me

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