LSAT + Law School advice

Penguin AmyPenguin Amy Core Member
edited March 2020 in General 73 karma

Hello everyone!

I applied to four law schools for Fall 2020. One denied, three waitlisted.
My LSAT scores were 140, 145, 143. Two days ago I withdrew my applications for financial purpose. I'm kind of regretting it and wish I'd stuck until the end. But with my LSAT scores, I feel that I was bound to be denied anyway.

I have not been able to focus and study as much as I wish I did for the last three - life, work, etc. happened. I'd like some advice as to how to better study for the LSAT. I still work full-time (8:30a - 4:30p) and have evening an part-time job four times a week. I'd like to score in the 170s, but I'm not sure if that's any possible. Looking to re-applying in a year or two (hopefully). Any advice? How many hours a day should I be studying? How many times per week?

I'd like to get it on my fourth LSAT. Never too late, right?


  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    815 karma

    Be careful of how many LSATs you take as there is now a maximum limit of 7 in a lifetime and 3 per year. This was non-retroactive as of September of 2019. So, if you took 2 tests after September 2019, than you would only have 5 left to take in your lifetime.

    I think it's important you do some research about the schools you would like to apply to and find out what LSAT score and GPA you would need to get into those schools.

    After you do that, start studying toward that LSAT goal.

  • Penguin AmyPenguin Amy Core Member
    73 karma

    Hi Richard N.,

    Thank you for your response. I completely forgot about the number of times I can take it.
    I took the December 2017, July 2019, and November 2019 exams.

    Per the LSAC rules:
    Starting with the September 2019 test administration, test takers will be permitted to take the LSAT:
    Three times in a single testing year (the testing year goes from June 1 to May 31).
    Five times within the current and five past testing years (the period in which LSAC reports scores to law schools).
    A total of seven times over a lifetime.
    This policy is forward-looking, not retroactive. Tests taken prior to September 2019 will not count against these numerical limits.

    So this means that I only have two chances - I'd really like to use only one. I want my next LSAT to be the LAST.

    Thank you for your advice! :)

  • tsengel_2018tsengel_2018 Alum Member
    edited March 2020 144 karma

    I am in no shape to give you any advice on how to improve your scores because I am still on CC. However, considering your full time job and the evening part time job, perhaps you should dedicate an hour a day during the work days and 6 hours a day during the weekends. Then, you would have studied for solid 17 hours a week, which would be quite satisfactory considering your work schedule. You can do even more during the weekends, though, depending on how you feel like on any given day. Besides this, you should have your life too. Perhaps, try to incorporate some "you" time here and there, or you will feel totally burnt out. May you reach your goal score. #hard work#dedication#resilience

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