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Study suggestions for pushed-back LSAT?

uvagohoosuvagohoos Alum Member
in General 7 karma

Hi everyone,
Like a lot of people here, I was registered to take the March 30 LSAT and now am figuring out what to do with my time between now and the April 25 LSAT (hopefully no later than that, but we will see). I felt ready to take the test in 2 weeks but am hoping to see this as an opportunity to push my score into a really solid range-- with that, I was wondering if people had suggestions for what to do.

My last 6 PTs have been 173, 170, 173, 177, 171, and 173. I would love to push my score from the low-170s range into 175+ with these extra 6 weeks. I would say I average -4/5 total on LR (both sections combined), -0/2 on RC, and LG is my weakest/most volatile section with -2/4. So far for studying, I have been taking 1 PT per week but will probably push that to 1 every 4 days now. My classes are also online so I will have more time on my hands.

So with that said, any suggestions about how to maintain and improve over this uncertain time? I have no real urgency to take the LSAT this spring as I am not applying to law schools fall 2020, but I would love to get it over with. Thank you all, and stay healthy!


  • ilovethelsatilovethelsat Member
    348 karma

    It seems like you're in a really great place! I would definitely try to get your LG section consistently down to a between -0 and -2, since that's typically the section that's easiest for people to improve on. 7sage's CC really helped with improving my LG, so if you haven't done that already, I'd recommend you go through all the lessons and problem sets in the LG section of the CC. Try to identify your weaknesses in LG...maybe record yourself doing LG sections and then watch the recordings to get a sense of where you're going wrong. LG has a lot to do with habit and familiarity, so the more you do, the better you'll get at them. But you gotta make sure that you take the time to BR and FP each game you didn't have a firm grasp on. It's not enough to just fly through a bunch of games. Try JY's FP method (there should be a whole step-by-step process somewhere in the CC) and combine that with BR - reflection and review, reflection and review, etc. If your fundamentals are an issue, then it might be worth doing a bunch of games untimed to really try and carve out a disciplined process of approaching each game. Once you feel your fundamentals are solid, then add in the timing aspect, but start with giving yourself a bit more time so that you feel the pressure, but it's not tremendous pressure at first. Gradually keep cutting back the time until you can replicate your untimed disciplined process in a 35-minute timed setting. And also, flag the games that you had trouble with and make sure you go back and FP them, but leave some time (like a few days/weeks) in between (spaced repetition). Hope this helps!

  • ilovethelsatilovethelsat Member
    348 karma
  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    I only have about 20 or so fresh PTs left, all recent. Im prolly gunna focus on retakes for the next week and go hard on LG.

    Then maybe 2-3 weeks out from test day if we get more news do a pt every 3 days with BR and review.

    Hopefully this will push me into low 170s consistently

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    If you have a lot of PTs, just keep doing more, take it slow. As far as advice, its hard for me to give you some as I feel like you already know what your doing, your BR must be near 180 so

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