Need an Accountability Buddy Studying Full Time - MDT -

keepgoing.keepgoing. Member
edited March 2020 in Study Groups 365 karma

Trying to study full time before the July exam. Especially with the quarantine I feel that it is easy to fall off track and I am calling for an accountability buddy.

Hoping my accountability buddy and I can just send each other check in/out messages at the below times

Check in same time every day: share our study goals for the day
Take designated breaks at the same times
"Log off" for the day - check out: share what we accomplished toady

This would be just to hold each other accountable - not for the purposes of tutoring...but of coarse I can help if I can be of any use.

I live in Calgary, Alberta - MDT so of coarse it will be more helpful if we have the same time zones or time zones kind of close to one another at the least


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