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Lsat score

in General 210 karma

So I've been doing a few prep tests, under timed conditions and have seen great results. The past 3 i've taken were a 161, 163 and 165. However, I took one today without feeling 100% focused and got a 157, a decently sized step backward. I was wondering if anyone else has ever run into this, and how you dealt with it


  • sorooshkoshasorooshkosha Alum Member
    23 karma

    Hey, I think that its common for you to sometimes score below what you are accustomed to - there is such a thing as mental fatigue. I've experienced this before, and I truly believe the best thing to do is not let it get into your mind too much! Based on your previous scores, you are fully capable of scoring high. Just let your brain rest, and revisit the PT (and review it to see why you got questions wrong) after you are rested. It happens to the best of us!

  • The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
    364 karma

    It happens dude. I did 164, 163, 162, 159 and the next one will prob be 163-5 its how it goes

  • taschasptaschasp Alum Member Sage
    796 karma

    Totally normal, especially if you weren't feeling 100%. I remember in my studies, I once dropped by 10 points! Just be glad it's happening on a PT and not on the actual thing. See what lessons you can draw away about what you need to try to line up so you do feel 100% on test day (to the extent possible, obviously... some things are out of your control and you just gotta hope for the best and do your best with whatever happens)

  • EagerestBeaverEagerestBeaver Alum Member
    703 karma

    Don't be concerned with one drop especially if you noticed the lack of focus. 4 tests is also too small of a sample size to be positive of where you are at exactly. Keep on blind reviewing and check back in a few tests. Totally normal to see some drops.

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Lol i was pting high 160s low 170s consistently and one time I pted at 161 during that run xD

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