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So, this one time, I took a break ...

nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
in General 7965 karma
Many of you know that my mother was in town (Weds night of last week through Tues morning); that meant that I was only able to spend my morning time working on LSATs. It was a surreal experience to do things other than LSAT in the evenings (especially on Saturday which was not LSATurday but rather Cowtown-day as I was in Ft. Worth eating and looking at cows). I can't even remember the days when I used to ... what was it ... chill out? I guess I watched shows and stuff?

In the mornings during her visit, I mostly BR'ed LR, did some 7sage, some games here and there, and almost totally neglected RC. Why? Well, for one, I was off my routine. This was the first even moderately light week I've had since the first week of February. I see now the power of momentum: it was much easier to keep going every day when I'd been going like that for 6+ weeks.

I'm at a point now (generally) where I need to restructure my study schedule, but still keeping the 6–8am and 6pm–10pm blocks M/T/W/F (Th is morning + 5:30–7, 9–10 due to Bible study and Sat is LSATurday, typically about 14 hours).

This morning, I had a strange experience. I did an easy LG. It took me about 5 minutes longer than I usually take for that kind of game. It was like I still had proper running form but in slow motion. I feel almost like I've hit the reset button, and it will be interesting to see if this has gotten me out of some ruts, or whether I've really started to rust after a brief (!) vacation. I've got 2 more of these week-long "breaks" coming up (both are trips for work); I think I need to prepare ahead, decide exactly what I'm going to work on during those times, so that I can maintain some sense of routine.

What are some of your "break" experiences—namely returning from the break?


  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    I never want to take a break but when I do... I never want to return!
  • alexroark5alexroark5 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    812 karma
    @nicole.hopkins don't worry, it's completely normal to lose some speed after having taking a week or two off. Trust me though, the speed will come back quickly :)
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    LSATurday -- good one!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14246 karma
    @"Jonathan Wang" said this too and I'll echo it here. I'm astounded at the speed with which you 7Sagers in your top form can finish the games. In fact, I'll say that I honestly believe that the best of you are much faster and more accurate than I am at LG. The reason is precisely because you're in top form and I'm not. You're the Olympic athlete and I'm the old fat coach. So, of course you need to maintain it. Of course if you don't train, you get slower. But don't worry, you'll pick it all back again in no time once you resume your normal training regiment.
  • AlejandroAlejandro Member Inactive ⭐
    2424 karma
    LOL, well put! We are young Luke and you're old Yoda...
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"J.Y. Ping" ... You mean like this guy?


    And I am happy to report that today's timed LG section was back up to speed (literally, figuratively...). Thanks for the love, y'all.
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