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Changing test in the new decade

SaulGoodmanSaulGoodman Member
in General 111 karma

In one of the introductory Main Point/Main Conclusion videos, J.Y. said that new question "types" for LR are created every ten years. I just started studying and am planning on taking the test in early spring 2021. Should I be worried that there will be question "types" on the test that I will not be prepared for since we just entered a new decade?


  • ahnendc-1ahnendc-1 Member
    642 karma

    Absolutely not! I think what J.Y. was referring to is that ~every 10 years we see maybe see a new type of LR questions come up (Evaluate is new-ish, fill in the blank with a conclusionis new-ish too?) but without a doubt 99% of the LSAT has remained the same for the last 30 years.

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