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Sign up for two before taking one?

sgreer2015sgreer2015 Member
in General 73 karma

Hey Y'all, I am a first-time LSAT taker hoping to apply this fall. I'm currently signed up for the August LSAT, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and sign up for October as well given that August will be my first one? I also could take August LSAT and then find out my score and take November, but I'm worried that it may be a bit late in the cycle. My diagnostic was a 156 and after a week of studying on my own, a 158. I started studying with 7sage last week (after trying to self study) and I'm working through the core curriculum. My goal score is really anywhere in the 160s. The higher the better, but I'd be happy with anything over a 162. Thanks for your input!


  • LawHokageLawHokage Yearly Member
    edited June 2020 129 karma

    It really depends on how much you are trying to improve. Realistically you could improve anywhere to 160 - 170 depending on how much you are willing to put in. If you are aiming for a 160, you could definitely achieve that by August, but that's only if you're dedicating your time and committing to studying for the LSAT. However, if you want to score higher around the 165-170 range, then I'd recommend giving yourself more time to prepare for the exam because it's recommended you study anywhere from 3 - 6 months. If you are however worried about being late for the cycle - most people take their LSAT between June - October and it's recommended to have your application in by November or December latest.

  • sgreer2015sgreer2015 Member
    73 karma

    Thanks so much! I'm definitely willing to put in the time and effort. I do work full time, and lately from home, so I study when work is slow, as well as before and after work. Ideally, I would like to not have to take the LSAT a second time, but I also realize that this may not be realistic.

  • LawHokageLawHokage Yearly Member
    129 karma

    The biggest thing to keep in mind is that your LSAT score is worth 70-80% of your admission to any law school. If you feel like you need more time to study and take it a second time then give yourself the option to do so. It's better overall to take the LSAT once with a good score, but people also take more than once, if they want to improve their score. As long as you improve significantly from your first LSAT to your second LSAT score, most law schools will take their higher score, but just be aware if it doesn't improve from the 1st - 2nd takes, you might have made the process a little more difficult for yourself. I was recommended to study right the first time and take it again, if you feel like you could improve significantly!

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