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Getting from 168/169 to 170+

in General 12 karma

I've been stuck for the past couple weeks at the 168/9 range and have been struggling to break 170. Do you think it's possible to break 170 in the next two weeks (I'm taking the July LSAT) and does anyone have any advice on how I can improve? I've been averaging1-3 RC, 0-5 LR, 2-8 LG. I've just started the 7sage curriculum and have been focusing on LG since that seems like the easiest section to perfect.


  • 7sage1237sage123 Member
    130 karma

    I'm in a similar situation

  • 246 karma

    @meganlacombe19 the lowest hanging fruit in my opinion would be tightening up your LG section. I'd review those sections and find out why you were missing up to 8. What was it about those sections that made you struggled? Was it because you ran out of time? Or that you just didnt understand a few rules that slowed you down? I think for most of those people who score in the 170+ range are those who are consistently scoring in the -1 - 0 range. My recommendation would be to go back to those sections and see what it is you can do to confidently score there and I am sure you'll be closer to your dream score! Best of luck to you.

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