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Disappointing June Flex Score

jonescarlie99jonescarlie99 Free Trial Member
in General 5 karma

Hey yall. I need some help. I looked at my score this morning, and I am no where near where I want to be! This was my first LSAT, so I expected a lower score and to take it again, but I am still FREAKING OUT. I am planning on signing up for the August test, and I am REALLY hoping that it is a FLEX exam. I have terrible ADHD and I don't know if I can make it through a five section test phahahah. I am wanting to make about a 15-16 point jump before I feel comfortable to start applying. Is it too early to take it again? Should I give myself more time? Also, I still have access to my Kaplan self study plan until the end of August, so I plan on continuing to use that. I spent wayyy too much time getting through all of the fluff in videos and lessons, so I think that was my problem (very frustrating because I spent way too much on the program). I am going to commit to focusing on practice rather than content this go around and hope that I can get where I want to on my next exam. Please leave some suggestions as to if taking the exam again in August is too soon and ANY tips on how to increase my score! Thanks!


  • rschwartz2022rschwartz2022 Member
    52 karma

    I've been studying for a couple of months now and seen relatively little improvement in my scores - the lsat is definitely a doozy. I wouldn't take it in August if I were you - 15 points is a lot.

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    1 karma

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