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50 days left until testing day tips

IzzyVar55IzzyVar55 Member
in General 120 karma

Does anybody have suggestions on how to study for the last 50 days before test day. I've been studying 3-4 hrs a day everyday following my syllabus. When I finish with the program which will be within the next two weeks what should I do. Besides PT, does anyone have recommendations on a good physical book I can buy for extra studying materials?


  • lmedr001lmedr001 Free Trial Member
    10 karma

    I'd recommend the LSAT Loophole in Logical Reasoning for LR and the LSAT Logic Games Bible for Analytical Reasoning

  • maryjando95maryjando95 Member
    39 karma

    are you taking the August test? if so i have been thinking about this too. i am thinking of doing a practice test every weekend and grading it and going from there to see where else i can improve..

  • anthonyparkanthonypark Live Member
    49 karma

    I have to second with what lmedr001 said. Loophole is a great refresher for LR.

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