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Mac people-- How are you preparing your computer for the July Flex LSAT??

jackmmmmjackmmmm Yearly Member
in July 2020 LSAT 103 karma

I've seen some posts about allowing permissions, changing the swiping features, and disabling the "click to dictionary" function. Is this something that people are doing?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Just get on ProctorU chat on the machine and at the location you'll be using, and have an agent check out your system. They'll make sure you're good to go.

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2042 karma

    I also have a Mac. First of all, Safari doesn't work, you need Google Chrome or Firefox. I downloaded Firefox and tried to do the self check a couple of days ago. The system showed my computer needed an extension in Firefox installed, which I did. The self check then showed that everything exceeded their requirements but that the RAM, memory ect couldn't be read. I decided to leave it alone and tried again today and had the same issue. This time I reached out to an agent. I was told to re start my computer. I did and when I did so Firefox had disappared and I had to download everything again. When I finally got back to Proctor U, no shock the issue wasn't fixed. I recoonected to the chat and got the same agent. This time he told me to use a different computer. I told him wait a minute my computer is six months old and the computer I wanted to use. I copied and pasted what showed to be the issue. He asked me if my test was today, I said no. He then told I would be fine. I persisted and said I was trying to test in advance so I didn't have a problem on test day. He asked if my internet was slow. I gave him the rest of the report and he again told me don't worry you will be fine.

    In Lawhub the scroll bar doesn't come up when I started a section and I can't scroll unless a refresh the page. I am feeling uncomfortable about using the Mac now.

  • dhaley22dhaley22 Member
    118 karma

    @canihazJD How do you get onto the ProctorU chat? And did you just ask them to test out your system?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @dhaley22 said:
    @canihazJD How do you get onto the ProctorU chat? And did you just ask them to test out your system?

    Do this first:

    There should be a chat box on the bottom right if you have any issues.

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