Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). What to do about major difference between uGPA and CAS GPA - 7Sage Forum

What to do about major difference between uGPA and CAS GPA

Hey y'all, I just realized that LSAC scores my GPA (CAS GPA) much differently than my undergraduate GPA (uGPA) and I am very concerned when it comes to law school admissions.
My university doesn't include A+ in the grading scale so the highest possible score is an A. Because of this, my uGPA is a 3.91, but my CAS GPA is a 3.64. The fact that there is so much difference is completely horrifying and I am very scared when it comes to getting into my dream schools. My LSAT score has wavered between 160 - 163. I know that if I can get much higher, I could possibly get into my goal schools despite my CAS GPA. Either way, Im shook and spooked.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this? Should I write an addendum to clarify that my university doesn't use A+ and that skewed the results? I am not sure what to do. I would be mad appreciative of advice.


  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    I am confused how your university not including A+ in the grading scale caused this dip. My university also doesn't use A+ in the grading scale, and my CAS GPA is the same as my undergrad GPA. The dip is probably coming from something else - maybe your undergrad institution gives a higher number to A- than CAS does (3.67), or something like that.

    Don't write an addendum explaining your school's grading scale - they see this in the Law School report. At this point, all you can do is just let it go. Your GPA is pretty set in stone. Focus on improving your LSAT score to get into your dream schools. A 3.64 definitely isn't bad and isn't going to automatically shut doors for you.

  • brie.confusedbrie.confused Member
    65 karma

    Apparently, im comparison to LSAC’s grading scale, my uni weighs an A- and a B- 0.03% more than the LSAC. On the otherhand, The LSAC weighs a B+ and a B- 0.03* less than my uni. 🙃

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    My undergrad institution also weighted things slightly differently than LSAC but my GPA didn't change after conversion. I guess it's possible that .03 differences in weighting can compound over time, but 3.91 to 3.64 seems like a large change.

    Definitely review your LSAC transcript to make sure they didn't make a transcribing error. When I first submitted my transcripts, my LSAC GPA was .02 lower because they made a transcribing error in my senior year grades. I emailed them about it and they fixed it pretty quickly.

  • brie.confusedbrie.confused Member
    65 karma

    Thanks for the reply! Hmm maybe that could be it? How did you notice/find out they made an error?

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