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in General 769 karma

Do people find it helpful to do drills, or is it better to just go right to doing practice tests? I have books with a bunch of practice drills in them but I’m taking the LSAT in October, so would it be better to just skip them? I understand the concepts but don’t know if it’s worth it to keep reinforcing them


  • 769 karma

    Any by drills I don’t mean actual problems. Like for example lg set up drills or translating conditional statement drills

  • legallytiredlegallytired Member
    442 karma

    i think i would just focus on taking actual practice tests or actual problems rather than those things if you understand the concepts. also, i did not spend a significant amount of time doing those kinds of drills but actually doing problems helped me learn and grasp onto those concepts more and i think i learned more that way than by spending time doing set up drills or conditional statement drills

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