Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). November 2020 Study & Accountability Group - 7Sage Forum

November 2020 Study & Accountability Group

typotter103typotter103 Core Member
edited August 2020 in Study Groups 10 karma

Hi friends,

My name is Tyler. I've found that studying for the LSAT alone has become a bit grueling, to say the least. I've been using 7sage for the past 3 weeks and am ~20% completed with the core curriculum. Scored a 140 on my cold PT, but i'm determined to hit 160 by early October. I'm hoping to put together a small study group of 3-5 people that are at a similar stage in their journey. If you're in need of some support, drop your email address below.

I'll be sending out an email early this week to coordinate schedules/meeting times. I'm thinking we can hold a zoom meeting once or twice a week to talk through challenges, learnings, experiences, etc. More detailed outlines to come...I look forward to meeting all of you and conquering this exam together!

As an FYI, I'm on PST just in case that's a dealbreaker for any of you.



  • aamesaames Member
    2 karma

    Hi! I'm down for this! aames@rmp.org

  • aaaa1111aaaa1111 Member
    edited August 2020 16 karma

    Hey Ty, we're in the same boat. Just messaged you!

  • Brahim MBrahim M Core Member
    66 karma

    Hey Ty. Interested in the group. Taking the LSAT in November also. Email is i.mahm1898@gmail.com. Speak soon.

  • nathalielponce-1-1nathalielponce-1-1 Free Trial Member
    73 karma

    Email: nathalielponce@gmail.com

  • GodsPlanGodsPlan Member
    176 karma

    Hey, I'd be down (2 hours ahead of you). I'm scoring low 150's but definitely should be scoring high 150's low 160's once I nail LG's consistently!

    email: studyemail4vince@gmail.com

  • jaclyn.ferg13jaclyn.ferg13 Core Member
    4 karma

    Hello! I am interested. You can email me at jaclyn.ferg13@gmail.com

  • sbell059sbell059 Core Member
    12 karma

    Hi! I am very interested in joining this group. My email is sbell059@uottawa.ca

    Talk soon!

  • GurpreetGurpreet Member
    25 karma

    Interested as well! Email: gseera2@gmail.com

  • bazziabazzia Core Member
    51 karma

    Hi! I am planning on writing in Jan and my studying has been lackluster so far. I sure could use some accountability. Email is: bazzia@mymacewan.ca

  • 13 karma

    Hi! I am interested with similar scoring and goals! Planning on taking November also. Email: alexistthometz@gmail.com

  • Greenteamer0Greenteamer0 Member
    32 karma


  • madler96madler96 Core Member
    4 karma

    Know there are a bunch of comments, but would love to possibly join! I’m signed up for the August Flex but I really just wanted to give it a shot and planning on giving it another go in October/November!
    Email: madler96@gmail.com

  • fight onfight on Member
    36 karma

    Sounds amazing, sign me up! hwkim20@amherst.edu

  • hungryallthetimehungryallthetime Alum Member
    52 karma

    hi i am pst and interested. angelaliou002@gmail.com

  • CharletteCharlette Core Member
    21 karma

    Hey, I am also interested
    email: charlette.woodall@gmail.com

  • dcal1127dcal1127 Alum Member
    48 karma

    Hi, I’m very interested in joining this group! My email is dchaimov27@gmail.com

    Thank you! :)

  • Destinee NoelDestinee Noel Core Member
    19 karma

    Hello, I am studying for the November test too. My email is dicksondestinee@gmail.com

  • 229 karma

    Hey boss, I'd love to be a part of your study group. My email is theogdil@gmail.com. November is going to be here before we know it haha

  • tarasongtarasong Member
    35 karma

    tarasong@utexas.edu :) let's connect!

  • cpeaks13cpeaks13 Core Member
    496 karma

    Hi! I'm taking the exam in November :)

  • sushilover930sushilover930 Core Member
    76 karma

    Down for this! Created a group like this a few weeks ago but would love Zoom meetings, need someone to hold me accountable too :) shirazsanya@gmail.com

  • im here for it

  • claire.standring11claire.standring11 Core Member
    37 karma

    Hi! Please add me to the email list! claire.standring11@gmail.com

  • i.tiwanai.tiwana Alum Member
    8 karma

    i.tiwana@hotmail.com - would greatly appreciate!

  • jackjordan305jackjordan305 Core Member
    28 karma

    shoot me an email - jackjordan305@yahoo.com I am also taking the November exam and have been studying since may, I believe I can provide useful/ helpful insight.

  • lawschoolapplicant2021lawschoolapplicant2021 Free Trial Member
    18 karma

    Hi Tyler! I've been studying with a partner for a while and it really helps! I am either taking the October or November exam. I am on EST time. My email is teracafro97@gmail.com! Please add to me to your list :-) Thanks!

  • Olivia GOlivia G Core Member
    19 karma

    oliviagrala@gmail.com! :)

  • richmanurichmanu Core Member
    18 karma

    Hello! rchllmanuel@gmail.com!

  • edrummondlaw-1edrummondlaw-1 Core Member
    edited August 2020 13 karma

    Hello, I am down

    edrummondlaw@gmail.com - I would really appreciate the support

  • amashhour95amashhour95 Member
    23 karma

    Super interested! Also scored similar on my first LSAT and re-taking November. Email is "amashhour95@gmail.com"

  • rcorredorrcorredor Member
    10 karma

    Hi Ty! I'm currently scoring low - mid 160s and am about 24% through the CC. Happy to join the group and would love to help in any way I can!
    Email: rcorredor@g.ucla.edu

  • chiefcas1chiefcas1 Core Member
    3 karma

    I'm game! cantonyselim@gmail.com

  • tejpat717tejpat717 Core Member
    98 karma

    I'm interested! tejpat717@gmail.com

  • SiddharthaSSiddharthaS Member
    3 karma

    Interested. Definitely need some help and motivation. Siddharthashevde@gmail.com. Thank you!

  • Destined4GREATERDestined4GREATER Core Member
    66 karma

    Please add me because I need the help, support and motivation. sallyalston17@yahoo.com

  • H.al1997H.al1997 Member
    318 karma

    Hi I am interested! Here is my email halima.al@hotmail.com

  • victoriafvictoriaf Core Member
    11 karma

    Interested! My email is vfouke@gmail.com.

  • JessicaLeighJessicaLeigh Core Member
    78 karma

    Hello I am at about the same stage and I have been studying for a few months -- definitely interested. My email is JessicaColon2016@fau.edu.

  • lmdooooolmdooooo Member
    43 karma

    Hi, I am taking October test. My goal is 165+. Look for study partner. we can BR, go over questions together through Zoom, Skype,etc. Message me if you are interested. My email is lmdooo@gmail.com

  • Ultra_Instinct_LSATUltra_Instinct_LSAT Alum Member
    128 karma

    I'm either interested in joining this group or breaking off into a new group, whichever comes first! Send me an email if interested, sergiomadrid624@gmail.com

  • nomomnomnomomnom Member
    412 karma

    Hi I'm scoring in the low 160s and shooting for November or january and would be interested in joining! my email is vincciceee@gmail.com

  • ashleyr793-1ashleyr793-1 Alum Member
    edited August 2020 16 karma

    Hi, Im very interested as well! Testing in November and aiming for 160 also.
    (CST) ashleyr793@gmail.com.

  • jesskess04jesskess04 Core Member
    53 karma

    I am very interested as well! Aiming for 165 by October/November, but currently in the mid 150s. My email is jesskess04@gmail.com

  • lkelly444lkelly444 Member
    11 karma

    Hi! I am interested. My email is l_kelly96@hotmail.com

  • roshellek-1-1roshellek-1-1 Core Member
    24 karma

    Hi! I’m interested as well roshellekumar@gmail.com

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