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Flex Difficulty

jbfclaw1jbfclaw1 Member
edited August 2020 in General 127 karma

For those of you who have taken the FLEX, how difficult is it compared to previous exams? I know in recent years there have been more Misc LG that are hard, and it seems that the LR are becoming more tricky.

Is that trend the same for FLEX -- any advice on how it was structured/content?

Peace and love <3


  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1121 karma

    Hey! For me (and from others I've talked to) it was about on par for tests in the 70s/80s, with the caveat that misc games are fairly unlikely (compared to the 80s where the fourth game seemingly always was a super hard game). Given how much LG is weighted relative to regular LSAT administrations, including a curvebrearker misc game would just throw off a lot of scores (since all but the highest scorers would likely do poorly), and it seems they're staying away from those. So I would view it as tests in the 70s/80s with maybe easier LG, and a slightly harder LR/RC to compensate

  • madi2639madi2639 Member
    117 karma

    I would definitely listen to the Powerscore LSAT podcast episodes on the Flex for more info. Essentially there are a ton of different versions of the Flex to prevent cheating, given that it's taken in many different time slots over the timespan of several days.

  • jbfclaw1jbfclaw1 Member
    127 karma

    Thank you both!! I listened to the Powerscore podcast episodes and they were very helpful!!

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