Took the test today (Sep 2) at 930EST. I had RC-LR-LG
1) Comic
2) Microfinance comparative
3) Universe Expansion
Dont remember other
Overall not bad although I found the universe expansion a little hard. I was interrupted during the microfinance passage due to Proctor U disconnecting (although my internet was fine ) it took about 1-2 mins to fix and I had just finished reading the passage. I had to re-read it which was not ideal. I think I lost a total of 3-4 mins max. I was able to get through all the passages but didn't have time at the end to review. I had flagged a few questions.
LR: Was OK. Spent too much time on one question in the middle (around #15-16 mark) and was cramped a little at the end.
LG: Was easy. No issues or surprises.
Overall i'm not sure about RC & LG. Think I let the proctor u interruption take me out the "zone" too much. Had 3-5 questions flagged in each but didnt have time to review as I usually do during PTs. Hoping for a 170. But am registering for November just in case (didn't know October deadline had passed!!).
I am so sad. I was hoping for close to 170 range but I found RC super difficult and freaked out during it (comics, universe expansion, credit, bundling). I know I messed it up very very badly. LG and LR were easy and I probably missed 0-3 in them but now it does't even matter.
I took the LSAT today 2nd of Sep, generally it was okay. I had RC, LR, LG. RC was generally a little bit hard. LG is my best section but struggled with the third game. RC like mentioned in the post above I had to re read a few times. LR I thought was generally easy. Just struggled a bit with RC and LR and am a bit anxious about my score. Will register for the November LSAT. Also I did not know you were not supposed to leave the room to go the bathroom but I did, so probably LSAC will cancel my score and make me retake it
I had LR-LG-RC. LR seemed really hard to me for some reason, and this is usually a strong section for me. LG was okay; the first few seemed easy but I think I missed a few on the last game (all I remember is printing/verifying and a super easy sequencing game being the first one). RC was okay. I had the honeybees passage last, which I'm sure I missed a couple on bc I ran out of time, and I also had patriotism, jury cases, and another one I'm blanking on. I usually PT mid 160's with an occasional lower 170 and am really curious what the curve will be. I really wanted to land around a 170 but I really have no gut feeling on how I did.
Did anyone else that took it today find the RC and LG so hard? Usually RC is one of my best but I honestly was lost. For games it took me a while to understand them before starting - had to guess a few. LR can't complain wasn't too bad which I am relieved about to make up for the other sections.
rc was brutal and I dont know why but the lr was kinda hard for me, its usually my best section. LG was ok, the first game was super easy but my 2nd and 3rd one were harder.
JUST took the exam (first time test taker), I was so scared that the LG section would be miscellaneous or really hard but on my test it wasn't hard at all! I usually can barely finish the section (I average -6 in LG lol) but I finished with 4 minutes to review. Sequence was LR-LG-RC which I felt was optimal for me. Great proctor who never interrupted me — I did get disconnected for 20 seconds in the middle of LR but it wasn't a big deal. My PTs have ranged between 166-170 in the past few weeks, I started with a 154 diagnostic and have been studying since May. I was REALLY glad that I chose to wear foam earplugs since my neighbours were apparently flying a drone very loudly beside my window during my test (I had no idea, couldn't hear them for once).
LR — A few tough questions in the middle, a few unexpectedly easier questions towards the end. I average -3 to -4 in this section and it felt standard to me.
LG — Seriously, this section is usually my nightmare in PTs and is the difference between me breaking 170 and not. But this time it was super easy and I finished with a few minutes to review! Regardless, I'm sure I made a few dumb mistakes here.
RC — Liberal environmentalism, patriotism/ethnocentrism, juries, honeybees. I found these passages to be very fair, the first one was quite easy. Struggled with a few flagged questions in the juries & honeybees sections but I doubt I went beyond -5 in that section. RC is usually my strongest section and I usually go something like -0 to -3.
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, I'll probably join the cohort of those retaking in November since I have a lot more work to do on foolproofing my LG section, but I personally felt that this was a very fair test and was very relieved that the LSAC didn't suddenly decide to make the 2020 test much harder (this was one of my recurring nightmares).
@nmc006 said:
I had LR-LG-RC. LR seemed really hard to me for some reason, and this is usually a strong section for me. LG was okay; the first few seemed easy but I think I missed a few on the last game (all I remember is printing/verifying and a super easy sequencing game being the first one). RC was okay. I had the honeybees passage last, which I'm sure I missed a couple on bc I ran out of time, and I also had patriotism, jury cases, and another one I'm blanking on. I usually PT mid 160's with an occasional lower 170 and am really curious what the curve will be. I really wanted to land around a 170 but I really have no gut feeling on how I did.
I think I had the exact same exam as you, at least for LG and RC! And I'm in the same score range as you Fingers crossed for both of us, I also feel like I have no idea what score I could predict for myself this time — could have gone really well or unexpectedly poorly.
Just did mine. It was horrible.
LG is usually my strong section, but this time I did not feel good about it, maybe because I panicked a little bit since it is my first time taking it. Struggled with the third game, but looking back, it should be an easy game, I do not know what happened to me, especially when I had 6 minutes left at the end, I just couldn't figure out one question.
RC was a disaster, had no idea what was going on, almost flagged half the questions.
Finally LR was okay, but wasn't great, flagged a lot of questions as well. I would not say it is easy, it is probably average and I just under-performed.
@170plusPlease same, I feel like since it was my first time taking i stressed out a bit. I told myself to not let that happen since I usually score pretty well.
did you get interrupted ?
I was interrupted during the LG section, was two-three minutes in when the system crashed and told me my exam was gone. I utterly freaked out, and hope I didn't disappoint myself as a result. I don't remember much about the games besides a sense of constant fear that this time handicap was going to ruin me. Luckily LG was my last section; I feel bad for people who experienced this at the very beginning.
I think it has something to do with ProctorU switching your proctor during the test. I noticed that when I finished, I had a different one than when I started, though my first proctor helped me through the problem. It seems like this occurred right when he was about to leave. Really, really upset that we still have to experience these problems in August.
Games included months, interns, North/South wings, and car show. I think I blew this section. It’s a shame because it was not particularly difficult. I screwed up a rule in the first game, wasted a lot of time on it, and was mired in Krabby Swirls for the rest of the section. I’ll be lucky if I only got 4 wrong.
RC passages were Torchy, a comp passage on micro finance, dark matter, and theories of ownership. RC is usually my worst section, but this one didn’t seem bad. The first two passages were pretty easy; theories of property was dense, but the questions were straightforward; dark matter was the section’s toughest, but manageable as far as hard RC passages go. I’ve been way over-confident on some of my RC performances in the past, but I think I did pretty good on this one.
My LR was 25 questions and included periwinkles and bat pups. I thought it was average. The only notable thing about it was that the first 10 questions were trickier than normal. Probably my best section.
I’m guessing the curve will be -7, and that I missed between10-12.
Edited for grammar.
Sounds like both our tests and experiences were identical. I feel like I may have done better on the LG if it had not been the first section & I was more comfortable.
i did not have any issues with my proctor; it was a very good experience. he did not bother me at all and only talked to me through the chat box and never sent anything during the exam. i was very nervous about having a bad proctor situation because i had read horror stories, but i think those horror stories are the exception to the norm, so for those of you taking it in the future do not let that stress u more than u already are.
i think the test i had was a fair test and because of that i am even more annoyed at myself that i dont think i did the best because i was nervous.
LR was very difficult for me there was stuff about platapus and elephant reflections
RC passages were interesting enough but only had about 6.5 minutes left for the comparative passage at the end. topics were wolves v dogs, a famous case that went on for a long time, monopolies, and i dont remember the other one
LG was in the middle. one game was really hard and difficult for me and i had to guess on a few of those questions. i had gold and silver, recording and transcribing, and this one with like 4 activities for 12 weeks idek it was weird and difficult and i dont remember the last one
but still, overall i would say it was a fair exam.
Take a deep breath y'all. We did it. Hopefully we got all our flagged Q's right and hit our goals! It's easy to be pessimistic, but in reality odds are just as good that you surpass your expectation as they are that you under-perform.
LG - Not super tough as far as LG sections go, but there was some important deductions right away in games 2 and 3 that were crucial to going -0. I missed one question on game 3 for sure, i noticed it in review but ran out of time before i could fix it... needed 1 min longer! Hopefully i didn't miss anything else because of that error. This section could be -1, or could be -5 if everything goes wrong. You know how it is.
RC - overall this was the hardest section for me. As far as RC difficulty goes, I'd say this section was maybe in the 65%-70% percentile - harder for me than the usual PT, but not by a lot. My primary concern is that i didn't get to review my many flags... more than usual for sure. Really hard to gauge this, especially passages 3 & 4. Could be -3 could be -9.
Comic strip - easier
Finance programs for the poor in underdeveloped countries - not super hard, but time consuming
Theories of Dark matter and universal expansion - hard and time consuming
Legal theories of ownership - medium/hard
LR - Didn't feel super tough, hope that means it wasn't. A couple unsures. I didn't like the Greek architects question and PR was a bit of a time crunch. Between -1 and -5.
Lots of tech support/proctor issues. Proctor was kinda a d*ck about it. Took probably 30 mins before starting.
This was my first LSAT so excuse the new guy question please
I'm accustomed to BR and always want to see which questions i got wrong after taking an exam.
Will LSAC allow us to review the questions on this exam at any point? Can we identify which questions we got wrong or right? If not is there any way to make sure we have been treated fairly?
RC is the bane of my existence. I would’ve had so much more confidence in LG had I gotten RC first. But such is life. Assuming I don’t break 170, I’ll consider it a moral victory if I I go -3 or less on RC.
Games included months, interns, North/South wings, and car show. I think I blew this section. It’s a shame because it was not particularly difficult. I screwed up a rule in the first game, wasted a lot of time on it, and was mired in Krabby Swirls for the rest of the section. I’ll be lucky if I only got 4 wrong.
RC passages were Torchy, a comp passage on micro finance, dark matter, and theories of ownership. RC is usually my worst section, but this one didn’t seem bad. The first two passages were pretty easy; theories of property was dense, but the questions were straightforward; dark matter was the section’s toughest, but manageable as far as hard RC passages go. I’ve been way over-confident on some of my RC performances in the past, but I think I did pretty good on this one.
My LR was 25 questions and included periwinkles and bat pups. I thought it was average. The only notable thing about it was that the first 10 questions were trickier than normal. Probably my best section.
I’m guessing the curve will be -7, and that I missed between10-12.
Edited for grammar.
Sounds like both our tests and experiences were identical. I feel like I may have done better on the LG if it had not been the first section & I was more comfortable.
@legallytired said:
i did not have any issues with my proctor; it was a very good experience. he did not bother me at all and only talked to me through the chat box and never sent anything during the exam. i was very nervous about having a bad proctor situation because i had read horror stories, but i think those horror stories are the exception to the norm, so for those of you taking it in the future do not let that stress u more than u already are.
i think the test i had was a fair test and because of that i am even more annoyed at myself that i dont think i did the best because i was nervous.
LR was very difficult for me there was stuff about platapus and elephant reflections
RC passages were interesting enough but only had about 6.5 minutes left for the comparative passage at the end. topics were wolves v dogs, a famous case that went on for a long time, monopolies, and i dont remember the other one
LG was in the middle. one game was really hard and difficult for me and i had to guess on a few of those questions. i had gold and silver, recording and transcribing, and this one with like 4 activities for 12 weeks idek it was weird and difficult and i dont remember the last one
but still, overall i would say it was a fair exam.
good luck to everyone
Finally I see someone who had the same LG as mine. I guess LSAC is really switching up the sections then, because although I definitely had the same LG as you, I don't remember anything about elephant reflections for LR, and I had the RC section with microfinance, universal expansion and property law.
This was my first LSAT so excuse the new guy question please
I'm accustomed to BR and always want to see which questions i got wrong after taking an exam.
Will LSAC allow us to review the questions on this exam at any point? Can we identify which questions we got wrong or right? If not is there any way to make sure we have been treated fairly?
Thank you!
Unfortunately, all the LSAT-Flex's are undisclosed, so we only get score and percentile, nothing else.
Fairness wise, I think it's safe to assume that LSAC is fair in the grading proceses.
This was my first LSAT so excuse the new guy question please
I'm accustomed to BR and always want to see which questions i got wrong after taking an exam.
Will LSAC allow us to review the questions on this exam at any point? Can we identify which questions we got wrong or right? If not is there any way to make sure we have been treated fairly?
Thank you!
Unfortunately, all the LSAT-Flex's are undisclosed, so we only get score and percentile, nothing else.
Fairness wise, I think it's safe to assume that LSAC is fair in the grading proceses.
Thank you
Alternatively, are we allowed to get together to try to remember the questions and see if we can conclude what the best answers were from our collective memories?
Took mine today (9/2). My exam sequence was LR-RC-LG.
Reading the past and current comments, I can tell that they definitely mixed and matched sections. So I'm guessing it just depends on luck in terms of what section combos you get.
LR- Usually the bane of my existence type of section lol I average anywhere from -3 to -8/9 or -10 on the particularly tough sections.... however, this LR section I finished with time left, but did flag a number of them. Can't really recall anything since it was my first section but it felt okay? Maybe medium. I do remember there being more PSA questions than normal and like one NA question which took me by surprise (was expecting more NA). Oh, there was also this weird volume question. Thinking about it now, I felt some of the ACs were more vague or tricky so maybe I bombed this section lmao
RC- Found this section harder than the other 2 for some reason. Generally okay in RC. Maybe it was just the fatigue hitting me, but I had Indian art, dogs v wolves experiment, super long case, and monopolies. The passages were okay, but I did not like the last two for some reason. Could be the subject matter and just having more questions for those two passages. Felt medium/ hard for me
LG- Eerily easy?? I was expecting a weird misc. game, but turned out fine. I had months, interns, North South paintings, and a car game. The last game was harder for me but I think it was the fatigue talking and just overthinking. Otherwise, probably the easiest section out of the three.
Overall, the proctoru experience was fine for me. Only experienced one mishap where my camera connection went out and the proctor had to intervene, but good thing she exited out of my exam. Definitely would have lost about 3 min. if she didn't do that. No other issues after.
Took the August exam with a 102 fever, nausea, and chest pain due to COVID. Wish I wouldve been able to reschedule. Oh well. I'll try again in October.
@martinxi679 oh wow yeah they are definitely randomizing everything to the max and mixing all of the sections up. did you also think that the game with the 4 or 5 activities and 12 spots was a little bit difficult or was it just me
@legallytired said: @martinxi679 oh wow yeah they are definitely randomizing everything to the max and mixing all of the sections up. did you also think that the game with the 4 or 5 activities and 12 spots was a little bit difficult or was it just me
You are definitely not alone. Although I personally can't really comment too much on this LG section because LG just comes naturally to me, but based on what I see from others who also had this section, most of them are saying that the third and the fourth games were tough. I believe the one you just described was the third game.
@ariesvegetarian said:
Took the August exam with a 102 fever, nausea, and chest pain due to COVID. Wish I wouldve been able to reschedule. Oh well. I'll try again in October.
Wow what a champ. Hope you get well soon and ace the next one!
@nmc006 said:
I had LR-LG-RC. LR seemed really hard to me for some reason, and this is usually a strong section for me. LG was okay; the first few seemed easy but I think I missed a few on the last game (all I remember is printing/verifying and a super easy sequencing game being the first one). RC was okay. I had the honeybees passage last, which I'm sure I missed a couple on bc I ran out of time, and I also had patriotism, jury cases, and another one I'm blanking on. I usually PT mid 160's with an occasional lower 170 and am really curious what the curve will be. I really wanted to land around a 170 but I really have no gut feeling on how I did.
I think I had the exact same exam as you, at least for LG and RC! And I'm in the same score range as you Fingers crossed for both of us, I also feel like I have no idea what score I could predict for myself this time — could have gone really well or unexpectedly poorly.
@tessaowens I just listened to the LSAT Powerscore podcast and if you had the same exam as me, it was the hardest combo available and they're estimating the curve will be higher to accommodate (-10 missed to equate to 170, vs the usual baseline -7) CC: @ARMANC74
Took my test on 9/2. The order was RC,LR and,LG.
I thought RC was the most difficult section. The passages I got were:
1) Jackie Ormes' comic strip
2) Micro-financing and banking in Bangladesh and Indonesia
3) Universe expansion (the most difficult passage in this section in my opinion)
4) Different types of property ownership
LR seemed pretty standard to me.
The games were pretty standard too. The third game I got was the 12 slots, five activities game. While it was certainly atypical, I did not find it to be very difficult. Definitely something you can attack if you have been practicing and fool-proofing a lot of games.
I had no problems with the test or the proctor.
Overall, we did it! One test out of the way. Good luck to everyone with the scores. I am definitely taking the test again. My biggest takeaway is that training to calm your nerves is just as important as the test content itself.
@carol_12332 said:
Hi guys to everyone who had LG-RC-LR order on September 2nd in the afternoon
Does anyone remember how many questions were on the last logic game? I didn’t get to it and had to guess but I can’t remember how many questions I could have potentially missed on that game!
It was the same section with people who played piano violin,
And the grouping game with mosaics
First LSAT is in the books! Order was LR-LG-RC. LR was killer. I too had the chimpanzees question halfway through, but it was definitely not the only one I found confusing. LG was north/south statues and antique cars which was fine, although the rule substitution question at the end was tough. RC was the comic/dark energy section, and although overall it was tough the passages more or less seemed to click. Is it September 18th yet? lol
@nmc006 said:
I had LR-LG-RC. LR seemed really hard to me for some reason, and this is usually a strong section for me. LG was okay; the first few seemed easy but I think I missed a few on the last game (all I remember is printing/verifying and a super easy sequencing game being the first one). RC was okay. I had the honeybees passage last, which I'm sure I missed a couple on bc I ran out of time, and I also had patriotism, jury cases, and another one I'm blanking on. I usually PT mid 160's with an occasional lower 170 and am really curious what the curve will be. I really wanted to land around a 170 but I really have no gut feeling on how I did.
I think I had the exact same exam as you, at least for LG and RC! And I'm in the same score range as you Fingers crossed for both of us, I also feel like I have no idea what score I could predict for myself this time — could have gone really well or unexpectedly poorly.
@tessaowens I just listened to the LSAT Powerscore podcast and if you had the same exam as me, it was the hardest combo available and they're estimating the curve will be higher to accommodate (-10 missed to equate to 170, vs the usual baseline -7) CC: @ARMANC74
Thank you so much for this!!! This podcast elucidated my exam more than I could have hoped!
How long has it taken for people to get their writing sample for the August administration processed? I took mine over two weeks ago (two days before I took the test) and am starting to get really nervous that I won't get my score on time since it still says "results pending."
@moriarty1 From what I've read from others, there's been a variation in processing times. It took 5 days for some and up to 3 weeks for others. It could be that they're reviewing your video feed more in depth or maybe if you missed something during the room scan. You still have around a week before the score release date so you should get your score in time! I literally submitted mine today cuz I had so many issues with my internet so I am praying for a 5 day processing period lol :'(
@moriarty1 said:
How long has it taken for people to get their writing sample for the August administration processed? I took mine over two weeks ago (two days before I took the test) and am starting to get really nervous that I won't get my score on time since it still says "results pending."
It took me 5 days! I submitted mine last Sunday evening and I got an email early this morning saying that my writing sample was approved.
i know everybody is like freaking out and wants to see their score asap, but is it just me or does anyone else like not wanna see it LOL. like i literally dont wanna know what i got, cause then thats gonna make reality hit and the fact that i have not studied for the last three weeks is gonna come back to bite me real bad. like screw it i dont even wanna look LOLLL :'(
@moriarty1 said:
How long has it taken for people to get their writing sample for the August administration processed? I took mine over two weeks ago (two days before I took the test) and am starting to get really nervous that I won't get my score on time since it still says "results pending."
I took mine on September 4th. The page still says "results pending" I'm starting to think I won't get to see my score this Friday. I called LSAC twice and was told they are "working round the clock" to get the writing samples approved. Not sure what else I have left to do except wait.
@legallytired I definitely feel that lolol I really want my score back, but I also don’t. Very conflicted honestly, but mostly don’t want it back just in case it’s bad lmao T.T
I took my writing section September 1st and they just told me yesterday that it was cancelled because my ID wasn't in focus. Waited on the phone for an hour to have a 3 minute convo letting me know there's nothing I can do but retake. Here's an example of the worst possible writing scenario, in case anyone wants to feel better about their approved sections. No idea why it took almost 3 weeks to tell me this.
If I have purchased the score preview option for the August Flex and do NOT get my score back on 9/18 due to a writing portion not yet processed, does anyone know whether the 6-day period to cancel the score starts on 9/18, or starts when I actually get to see my score after the writing portion is processed? Thanks!
@bruhhhhhh said:
If I have purchased the score preview option for the August Flex and do NOT get my score back on 9/18 due to a writing portion not yet processed, does anyone know whether the 6-day period to cancel the score starts on 9/18, or starts when I actually get to see my score after the writing portion is processed? Thanks!
I heard on the Powerscore podcast that it takes effect from when you get to see your score i.e. delay will not affect it.
@Frenchy said:
I took my writing section September 1st and they just told me yesterday that it was cancelled because my ID wasn't in focus. Waited on the phone for an hour to have a 3 minute convo letting me know there's nothing I can do but retake. Here's an example of the worst possible writing scenario, in case anyone wants to feel better about their approved sections. No idea why it took almost 3 weeks to tell me this.
I read on another forum (can't remember which one), that this happened to someone else. They called back again and spoke to another person at LSAC who let them send in a photo of the ID. There is no reason the photo needs to be captured on test day. A valid ID shows that you are who you claim to be. If I were you I would call back and not take no for an answer, ask for a manager, do what it takes. Other people have been allowed to send in a picture of their ID, so should you be.
Took the test today (Sep 2) at 930EST. I had RC-LR-LG
1) Comic
2) Microfinance comparative
3) Universe Expansion
Dont remember other
Overall not bad although I found the universe expansion a little hard. I was interrupted during the microfinance passage due to Proctor U disconnecting (although my internet was fine
) it took about 1-2 mins to fix and I had just finished reading the passage. I had to re-read it which was not ideal. I think I lost a total of 3-4 mins max. I was able to get through all the passages but didn't have time at the end to review. I had flagged a few questions.
LR: Was OK. Spent too much time on one question in the middle (around #15-16 mark) and was cramped a little at the end.
LG: Was easy. No issues or surprises.
Overall i'm not sure about RC & LG. Think I let the proctor u interruption take me out the "zone" too much. Had 3-5 questions flagged in each but didnt have time to review as I usually do during PTs. Hoping for a 170. But am registering for November just in case (didn't know October deadline had passed!!).
I am so sad. I was hoping for close to 170 range but I found RC super difficult and freaked out during it (comics, universe expansion, credit, bundling). I know I messed it up very very badly. LG and LR were easy and I probably missed 0-3 in them but now it does't even matter.
I took the LSAT today 2nd of Sep, generally it was okay. I had RC, LR, LG. RC was generally a little bit hard. LG is my best section but struggled with the third game. RC like mentioned in the post above I had to re read a few times. LR I thought was generally easy. Just struggled a bit with RC and LR and am a bit anxious about my score. Will register for the November LSAT. Also I did not know you were not supposed to leave the room to go the bathroom but I did, so probably LSAC will cancel my score and make me retake it
Are we allowed to use blank pieces of paper to write/work out questions?
Yes - 5 sheets. You'll be asked to show it before hand and to tear it apart after.
To whoever had the RC of Patriotism and Honeybees back to back with me can I cry on your shoulder. Thank you.
I had LR-LG-RC. LR seemed really hard to me for some reason, and this is usually a strong section for me. LG was okay; the first few seemed easy but I think I missed a few on the last game (all I remember is printing/verifying and a super easy sequencing game being the first one). RC was okay. I had the honeybees passage last, which I'm sure I missed a couple on bc I ran out of time, and I also had patriotism, jury cases, and another one I'm blanking on. I usually PT mid 160's with an occasional lower 170 and am really curious what the curve will be. I really wanted to land around a 170 but I really have no gut feeling on how I did.
Did anyone else that took it today find the RC and LG so hard? Usually RC is one of my best but I honestly was lost. For games it took me a while to understand them before starting - had to guess a few. LR can't complain wasn't too bad which I am relieved about to make up for the other sections.
@juliakhomes VERY yes to reading- dark energy and comics
rc was brutal and I dont know why but the lr was kinda hard for me, its usually my best section. LG was ok, the first game was super easy but my 2nd and 3rd one were harder.
JUST took the exam (first time test taker), I was so scared that the LG section would be miscellaneous or really hard but on my test it wasn't hard at all! I usually can barely finish the section (I average -6 in LG lol) but I finished with 4 minutes to review. Sequence was LR-LG-RC which I felt was optimal for me. Great proctor who never interrupted me — I did get disconnected for 20 seconds in the middle of LR but it wasn't a big deal. My PTs have ranged between 166-170 in the past few weeks, I started with a 154 diagnostic and have been studying since May. I was REALLY glad that I chose to wear foam earplugs since my neighbours were apparently flying a drone very loudly beside my window during my test (I had no idea, couldn't hear them for once).
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, I'll probably join the cohort of those retaking in November since I have a lot more work to do on foolproofing my LG section, but I personally felt that this was a very fair test and was very relieved that the LSAC didn't suddenly decide to make the 2020 test much harder (this was one of my recurring nightmares).
I think I had the exact same exam as you, at least for LG and RC! And I'm in the same score range as you
Fingers crossed for both of us, I also feel like I have no idea what score I could predict for myself this time — could have gone really well or unexpectedly poorly.
Just did mine. It was horrible.
LG is usually my strong section, but this time I did not feel good about it, maybe because I panicked a little bit since it is my first time taking it. Struggled with the third game, but looking back, it should be an easy game, I do not know what happened to me, especially when I had 6 minutes left at the end, I just couldn't figure out one question.
RC was a disaster, had no idea what was going on, almost flagged half the questions.
Finally LR was okay, but wasn't great, flagged a lot of questions as well. I would not say it is easy, it is probably average and I just under-performed.
@170plusPlease same, I feel like since it was my first time taking i stressed out a bit. I told myself to not let that happen since I usually score pretty well.
did you get interrupted ?
I was interrupted during the LG section, was two-three minutes in when the system crashed and told me my exam was gone. I utterly freaked out, and hope I didn't disappoint myself as a result. I don't remember much about the games besides a sense of constant fear that this time handicap was going to ruin me. Luckily LG was my last section; I feel bad for people who experienced this at the very beginning.
I think it has something to do with ProctorU switching your proctor during the test. I noticed that when I finished, I had a different one than when I started, though my first proctor helped me through the problem. It seems like this occurred right when he was about to leave. Really, really upset that we still have to experience these problems in August.
Sounds like both our tests and experiences were identical. I feel like I may have done better on the LG if it had not been the first section & I was more comfortable.
i did not have any issues with my proctor; it was a very good experience. he did not bother me at all and only talked to me through the chat box and never sent anything during the exam. i was very nervous about having a bad proctor situation because i had read horror stories, but i think those horror stories are the exception to the norm, so for those of you taking it in the future do not let that stress u more than u already are.
i think the test i had was a fair test and because of that i am even more annoyed at myself that i dont think i did the best because i was nervous.
LR was very difficult for me there was stuff about platapus and elephant reflections
RC passages were interesting enough but only had about 6.5 minutes left for the comparative passage at the end. topics were wolves v dogs, a famous case that went on for a long time, monopolies, and i dont remember the other one
LG was in the middle. one game was really hard and difficult for me and i had to guess on a few of those questions. i had gold and silver, recording and transcribing, and this one with like 4 activities for 12 weeks idek it was weird and difficult and i dont remember the last one
but still, overall i would say it was a fair exam.
good luck to everyone
LG - RC - LR
Take a deep breath y'all. We did it. Hopefully we got all our flagged Q's right and hit our goals! It's easy to be pessimistic, but in reality odds are just as good that you surpass your expectation as they are that you under-perform.
LG - Not super tough as far as LG sections go, but there was some important deductions right away in games 2 and 3 that were crucial to going -0. I missed one question on game 3 for sure, i noticed it in review but ran out of time before i could fix it... needed 1 min longer! Hopefully i didn't miss anything else because of that error. This section could be -1, or could be -5 if everything goes wrong. You know how it is.
Game 1 - easy
2 - Piano/Violin - moderate
3 - moderate/hard
4 - Viewers/Printers - moderate/easy
RC - overall this was the hardest section for me. As far as RC difficulty goes, I'd say this section was maybe in the 65%-70% percentile - harder for me than the usual PT, but not by a lot. My primary concern is that i didn't get to review my many flags... more than usual for sure. Really hard to gauge this, especially passages 3 & 4. Could be -3 could be -9.
Comic strip - easier
Finance programs for the poor in underdeveloped countries - not super hard, but time consuming
Theories of Dark matter and universal expansion - hard and time consuming
Legal theories of ownership - medium/hard
LR - Didn't feel super tough, hope that means it wasn't. A couple unsures. I didn't like the Greek architects question and PR was a bit of a time crunch. Between -1 and -5.
Lots of tech support/proctor issues. Proctor was kinda a d*ck about it. Took probably 30 mins before starting.
Hi All,
This was my first LSAT so excuse the new guy question please
I'm accustomed to BR and always want to see which questions i got wrong after taking an exam.
Will LSAC allow us to review the questions on this exam at any point? Can we identify which questions we got wrong or right? If not is there any way to make sure we have been treated fairly?
Thank you!
RC is the bane of my existence. I would’ve had so much more confidence in LG had I gotten RC first. But such is life. Assuming I don’t break 170, I’ll consider it a moral victory if I I go -3 or less on RC.
Finally I see someone who had the same LG as mine. I guess LSAC is really switching up the sections then, because although I definitely had the same LG as you, I don't remember anything about elephant reflections for LR, and I had the RC section with microfinance, universal expansion and property law.
Unfortunately, all the LSAT-Flex's are undisclosed, so we only get score and percentile, nothing else.
Fairness wise, I think it's safe to assume that LSAC is fair in the grading proceses.
Thank you
Alternatively, are we allowed to get together to try to remember the questions and see if we can conclude what the best answers were from our collective memories?
Took mine today (9/2). My exam sequence was LR-RC-LG.
Reading the past and current comments, I can tell that they definitely mixed and matched sections. So I'm guessing it just depends on luck in terms of what section combos you get.
LR- Usually the bane of my existence type of section lol I average anywhere from -3 to -8/9 or -10 on the particularly tough sections.... however, this LR section I finished with time left, but did flag a number of them. Can't really recall anything since it was my first section but it felt okay? Maybe medium. I do remember there being more PSA questions than normal and like one NA question which took me by surprise (was expecting more NA). Oh, there was also this weird volume question. Thinking about it now, I felt some of the ACs were more vague or tricky so maybe I bombed this section lmao
RC- Found this section harder than the other 2 for some reason. Generally okay in RC. Maybe it was just the fatigue hitting me, but I had Indian art, dogs v wolves experiment, super long case, and monopolies. The passages were okay, but I did not like the last two for some reason. Could be the subject matter and just having more questions for those two passages. Felt medium/ hard for me
LG- Eerily easy?? I was expecting a weird misc. game, but turned out fine. I had months, interns, North South paintings, and a car game. The last game was harder for me but I think it was the fatigue talking and just overthinking. Otherwise, probably the easiest section out of the three.
Overall, the proctoru experience was fine for me. Only experienced one mishap where my camera connection went out and the proctor had to intervene, but good thing she exited out of my exam. Definitely would have lost about 3 min. if she didn't do that. No other issues after.
Took the August exam with a 102 fever, nausea, and chest pain due to COVID. Wish I wouldve been able to reschedule. Oh well. I'll try again in October.
how do y'all remember so much about test content... I can barely recall taking the damn thing...
@martinxi679 oh wow yeah they are definitely randomizing everything to the max and mixing all of the sections up. did you also think that the game with the 4 or 5 activities and 12 spots was a little bit difficult or was it just me
You are definitely not alone. Although I personally can't really comment too much on this LG section because LG just comes naturally to me, but based on what I see from others who also had this section, most of them are saying that the third and the fourth games were tough. I believe the one you just described was the third game.
Wow what a champ. Hope you get well soon and ace the next one!
@tessaowens I just listened to the LSAT Powerscore podcast and if you had the same exam as me, it was the hardest combo available and they're estimating the curve will be higher to accommodate (-10 missed to equate to 170, vs the usual baseline -7) CC: @ARMANC74
Took my test on 9/2. The order was RC,LR and,LG.
I thought RC was the most difficult section. The passages I got were:
1) Jackie Ormes' comic strip
2) Micro-financing and banking in Bangladesh and Indonesia
3) Universe expansion (the most difficult passage in this section in my opinion)
4) Different types of property ownership
LR seemed pretty standard to me.
The games were pretty standard too. The third game I got was the 12 slots, five activities game. While it was certainly atypical, I did not find it to be very difficult. Definitely something you can attack if you have been practicing and fool-proofing a lot of games.
I had no problems with the test or the proctor.
Overall, we did it! One test out of the way. Good luck to everyone with the scores. I am definitely taking the test again. My biggest takeaway is that training to calm your nerves is just as important as the test content itself.
anyone else have LR East/west monkeys? found that tough man.
Pretty sure it was 5 questions, maybe 6 tops.
@nmc006 OMG thank you for passing this info on, that is crazy. If the curve were -10 that would be magic.... double double fingers crossed for us!
First LSAT is in the books! Order was LR-LG-RC. LR was killer. I too had the chimpanzees question halfway through, but it was definitely not the only one I found confusing. LG was north/south statues and antique cars which was fine, although the rule substitution question at the end was tough. RC was the comic/dark energy section, and although overall it was tough the passages more or less seemed to click. Is it September 18th yet? lol
Thank you so much for this!!! This podcast elucidated my exam more than I could have hoped!
How long has it taken for people to get their writing sample for the August administration processed? I took mine over two weeks ago (two days before I took the test) and am starting to get really nervous that I won't get my score on time since it still says "results pending."
@moriarty1 From what I've read from others, there's been a variation in processing times. It took 5 days for some and up to 3 weeks for others. It could be that they're reviewing your video feed more in depth or maybe if you missed something during the room scan. You still have around a week before the score release date so you should get your score in time! I literally submitted mine today cuz I had so many issues with my internet so I am praying for a 5 day processing period lol :'(
It took me 5 days! I submitted mine last Sunday evening and I got an email early this morning saying that my writing sample was approved.
i know everybody is like freaking out and wants to see their score asap, but is it just me or does anyone else like not wanna see it LOL. like i literally dont wanna know what i got, cause then thats gonna make reality hit and the fact that i have not studied for the last three weeks is gonna come back to bite me real bad. like screw it i dont even wanna look LOLLL :'(
I took mine on September 4th. The page still says "results pending" I'm starting to think I won't get to see my score this Friday. I called LSAC twice and was told they are "working round the clock" to get the writing samples approved. Not sure what else I have left to do except wait.
I got my writing approved tonight after taking it sep 1. I'm sure you guys will get approved before the 18th. Good luck everybody!
@legallytired I definitely feel that lolol I really want my score back, but I also don’t. Very conflicted honestly, but mostly don’t want it back just in case it’s bad lmao T.T
I took my writing section September 1st and they just told me yesterday that it was cancelled because my ID wasn't in focus. Waited on the phone for an hour to have a 3 minute convo letting me know there's nothing I can do but retake. Here's an example of the worst possible writing scenario, in case anyone wants to feel better about their approved sections. No idea why it took almost 3 weeks to tell me this.
If I have purchased the score preview option for the August Flex and do NOT get my score back on 9/18 due to a writing portion not yet processed, does anyone know whether the 6-day period to cancel the score starts on 9/18, or starts when I actually get to see my score after the writing portion is processed? Thanks!
I heard on the Powerscore podcast that it takes effect from when you get to see your score i.e. delay will not affect it.
I read on another forum (can't remember which one), that this happened to someone else. They called back again and spoke to another person at LSAC who let them send in a photo of the ID. There is no reason the photo needs to be captured on test day. A valid ID shows that you are who you claim to be. If I were you I would call back and not take no for an answer, ask for a manager, do what it takes. Other people have been allowed to send in a picture of their ID, so should you be.