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WHYYYY can't I improve on RC?

_iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member


I started out with RC being my best section, and since I've improved so heavily on LG and LR, RC is now my worst section. Welp. Currently, I'm averaging -3 for LG, and -3 for LR. But -7 for RC!!!!!!! WHYYYY

I'm taking the November test, and really need to drill RC HARD before then. In total, I've probably studied for the LSAT for close to 6-8 months now (spread out at different times) and I feel like I've made the LEAST effort for RC because it doesn't really excite me lol and I guess I was discouraged when people said you can make the least improvement for RC.

ALL AND ANY TIPS WELCOME for: RC drills, RC improvement, etc.


  • EllegoalsEllegoals Member
    342 karma

    Ah, I've been in the same boat (was sitting at -7 for SO long), and what really got me over that plateau was doing a TON of RC. I mean a ton of it.

    First, I started basically foolproofing passages, where I would do a challenging passage a couple of times until I was getting every question perfectly. After that phase, I moved on to doing full sections that I've already done before. I tried to do sections that I didn't do too recently (so I wasn't just remembering the answers) but sections that were familiar enough so that I was able to get away from the shock value of hitting a brand new passage and really just relax and focus on the task at hand. These two phases took me around 2 weeks. After that, I moved on to new sections. I try and do at least one, but ideally multiple sections a day when time permits, and I cannot tell you how much that's made a difference. I've always had the EXACT same thought process as you, that everyone says you can't really improve on RC so why spend time on it. But since RC was the last thing holding holding my score back (like it's holding yours back!) I knew I had to give it its due attention.

    One other thing someone recently told me is that the key to RC is to actually comprehend the passage. It sounds obvious, but for me when I focus more on getting a really thorough understanding of what I'm reading and less so on the structure or whatever else, I seem to do better. To each their own though.

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    @Ellegoals Thanks for the advice!!! Ugh...I knew I would have to buckle down and do tons of RC (the way I did for LG - I was doing one LG section a day for a long time) but I guess RC is so much more daunting as a section. 2-4 weeks of intense drilling should probably do the trick. Thank you for all of your insight!

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