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-12 timed and -4 BR?

GodsPlanGodsPlan Member

Hey guys, I just wanted some advice on how to go about closing the gap before the NOV LSAT comes through.

So I recently did a section and actually incorporated BR (I know it's praised here, I usually just file the section / PT as done and review questions I got wrong not BR format but by watching videos on them).

Anyways outside of this section (and PT 62 LR in general, wow it was tough) I would usually get -10/-9. I am very confident I understand the material well but timing is tough, and under timed conditions I think I might over stress myself / choose convenient answers just to beat the time.

Any advice on how to continue from here? I'm really trying to push for a 164+!


  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    1417 karma

    yo deadass on the same boat.
    commenting for reference.

  • LegalSeahorseLegalSeahorse Member
    60 karma

    If you get that score in BR, that means you know (most of) the answers instinctively. Therefore, I recommend you aggressively, over confidently, and zealously choose an answer right away and move on. Here’s why:
    1. You’re giving your instinct the chance to choose the right answer without enough time to second guess yourself. Chances are, you’d spend valuable minutes vacillating over which answer to choose, just to end up going with your original choice.
    2. You’re giving yourself more time to see all the questions, so you can pick and choose which ones to answer and which ones to skip.

    Sounds counter intuitive, but try it and see if it works for you. Best of luck!!

  • vhumenyuk-1vhumenyuk-1 Member
    107 karma

    Totally agree with the post above. Doing BR is exactly what helps you sharpen your instinct. Specifically learning to understand why each of the four answer choices is wrong and why the right one is right is what makes a huge difference.
    At the end of the day, giving yourself too much time under timed conditions to decide which answer choice is correct you are also allowing more room for unnecessary doubts, overthinking and, on the other hand, you just don't trust your gut feeling enough.
    I have allowed myself to make this mistake and on each question I was always trying to be 100% confident that each asnwer choice I select is 100% correct. To get that confidence, you must literally do the same process that you do during a BR which under timed conditions is incredibly harmful to your score and just not efficient.
    It might look counter intuitive as it is stated above, but try it out and see how works for you. It has worked out for me and my biggest growth has happened exactly when I started trusting my intuition more. Good luck!

  • emmacharleyemmacharley Member
    88 karma

    I think the key is really in writing everything down! Write down any inference you can make and then write down any possible solution you come up with in the process. Having a quick reference will save you time and re-work. Feel free to message me if you want any 1 on 1 help with diagraming and notating games!

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