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Need Help!!

Jannyboy_16Jannyboy_16 Core Member
in General 66 karma

Hello everyone, I was just wondering if anyone could offer some advice on what I should do. I got a 150 on the August lsat, and would really like to improve towards the low 160s, I have the option to cancel my score and don't know if I should. Also, I am thinking of either taking the November or January exam, but feel like I do not have that much time for the November as I am in school full-time right now. What do you guys think?


  • bensasounianbensasounian Member
    94 karma

    I'm on the same boat, I got a 156. I read that cancelling really won't do anything, if anything they'll be sussed on why you cancelled your score. I decided I'm just going to bite the bullet and apply next cycle, therefore I can have essentially a year to prep. I'm also in school full time and it's important to have a good GPA so it might not be worth it to try and cram this cycle. If you are down to study PM me though.

  • Jannyboy_16Jannyboy_16 Core Member
    66 karma

    @bensasounian thank you so much for the response! Do you have any tips for improving RC at all?

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