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I want to rant with someone

npere238npere238 Core Member
edited September 2020 in General 27 karma

I want to rant with someone about the LSAT. I've gotten to the point that my brain doesn't want to receive any more info. My head feels congested. Don't want to be weird but finding someone that wants to talk about this on a phone call cuz I need a verbal rant.


  • dharrigancotadharrigancota Core Member
    5 karma

    It is frustrating, I feel you. Try to put yourself in a mindset accepting that it is hard (because it is). Try to find more enjoyment in the fact it is difficult and focus on what you think you've improved on. If you need a day or two to recollect yourself because that space can be productive if you are feeling burnt out. The questions are hard enough without the accumulated pressure we put on ourselves. Good luck on what you do next. I'm down to be an ear if you need a moment to vent because I can relate so just message me if you need one!

  • Penguin AmyPenguin Amy Core Member
    73 karma

    Hi I’m Amy - we could talk. I don’t want to put my number here for everyone, so feel free to message me.

  • Jela ShiverJela Shiver Alum Member
    26 karma

    hi amy please message me im going through the same thing and would love to listen to these probably shared feelings you're going thrugh

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