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If I already have lawhub do I have to pay for it again if I want to use 7sage?

behrmanisaac1behrmanisaac1 Alum Member
in General 5 karma

It looks like a 7sage subscription automatically includes a $99 charge for Lawhub. If I already have Lawhub, is there a way to link the account so I don't have to pay for it again?


  • Jackelyn0928-1Jackelyn0928-1 Alum Member
    1 karma

    No you do not you just connect both accounts to access it

  • RelentlessRelentless Core Member
    413 karma

    I think if you use the same email address, you should have the account linked. But double check this with Admin.

  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    848 karma

    Hi @behrmanisaac1 ,

    I looked at your accout and confirm that you successfully purchased a monthly subscription without bundling it with a new Prep Plus subscription. Also, you successfully linked your Prep Plus subscription to your 7Sage account.

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

  • @"Paula --Student Service--" Paula, I had to repurchase advantage and now 7sage and advantage site are not syncing

  • Wisdom - Student ServiceWisdom - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    365 karma

    Hi @jessbalint-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1,

    I looked at your account and I can confirm that your LawHubs Advantage subscription is now active on our end. I just sent you an email to confirm this.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • haleyrvohaleyrvo Alum Member
    edited December 2023 4 karma

    If, in theory, I purchase the bundle of 7sage and LSAC LSAT LawHub Advantage, but later decide to not use 7 sage (I try it for a month and don't like it) would I still be able to use the LSAC LSAT LawHub Advantage subscription that I purchased? Or would I have to repurchase it again without 7sage?

  • Mary - Student ServiceMary - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    948 karma

    Hi @haleyvanoverbeke, even if you cancel your 7Sage subscription, you can still use the LSAT LawHub Advantage you bundled with it using your LSAC account and other LSAT prep courses.

    Note that you only need one LawHub Advantage subscription, no matter how many prep courses you use. That means that if you use prep courses from multiple companies, you don't need to purchase multiple Lawhub Advantage accounts. You can use the same one.

    Let me know if you have any further questions!

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