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7Sage RC tutor

Hope Is RealHope Is Real Free Trial Member

Does anyone have recommendations for a GOOD RC tutor? I have checked the regular tutor thread and I could not find good recommendations specific to RC. Alternatively, if people know of an outside tutor that has worked for them regarding RC I am willing to do that as well.

RC is the one thing that is keeping me from achieving my goal with the LSAT, everything else is fine and it is really frustrating to go from -3 to -10 on RC sections. Lately, it has been a downward slump. I notice what tends to happen is I get stuck in a passage trying to understand the minutae and that ends up eating up my time, and then I rush and panic for the other passages and run out of time. Ironically, when I have less time for a passage, I tend to do better.

Please #help !!!


  • sakethsaran1998-1sakethsaran1998-1 Alum Member
    edited September 2020 246 karma

    I would recommend @lexxx745 for sure. He's taken the LSAT himself recently and can relate with your issues for sure

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