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After a long horrendous journey of waiting for my writing sample to be approved to receiving a score 6 points lower than my PT average, I feel like sh*t lol In hindsight, I know this is my first score and it's not completely terrible... however, I am just super disappointed in myself. I came out of the August exam feeling pretty decent about it and thankful that I didn't have any proctoring issues. I was hoping that feeling of calm meant that I performed well and would get a score within my PT range.. so I guess I am just in shock. I really want to dive back in and start studying again, but I just don't think I have the mental strength to do so right now. I think I am mainly upset because this test has really taken so much out of me mentally and emotionally over the past year or so that I was really hoping this exam would be my ticket to freedom so to speak. I really wanted to close this chapter of my legal journey and move on, but I feel so stuck now. I am signed up for November so I know I have a second shot at it, but it also feels like my final shot at this coming application cycle. Any advice on how to move forward? I feel so defeated
Hi @karko2525! You're not alone. Many people are probably going through a similar situation right now. And in general, disappointment with scores is a normal part of the whole LSAT process. Try and focus on the fact that you can take it again, except this time you have the advantage of having gone through it once.
I was in the same boat. Spent six months studying full time and scored lower than on all of my PTs, even though I walked out feeling good about it. I suggest you re-evaluate your study strategies, find out what was working and what was a waste of time, and think about what you can realistically improve on in five weeks.
Did you get the reading comp section with bee's and ecocentrism? August was also my first take and we are in pretty much the exact same position. The only difference is that I recently canceled November to get the coupon and am waiting until next cycle to accept a seat. Since then I've taken a full month off and just started very laid back prep this week. I'm getting more questions right than I ever have. Early September I took this trip to Michigan and saw the clearest night sky and have absolutely been in a better mental state since. Best advice that I got? You're not defeated, you're just impatient and stressed (It's crazy how much this post sounded like me 2 weeks ago). Get some friends or family together and go somewhere quiet and peaceful. Got a dream vacation in mind?
@karko2525 - Not alone... August was my second take and I scored the same as I did in May which was also 4 (now 5) points below my PT average. I wanted so bad to be done with full proofing games and spending my days staring at LR questions. But its only 6 more weeks and we can do this!
Same boat. Scored lower than my last PT and totally crushed my spirits. I am about to sign up for 7Sage month-to-month and see what I can get out of January LSAT. I also saw my Writing was rushed and I didn't follow the directions. So hopefully another $200 to LSAC and $170 to 7sage will put me in a better spot in January. Good Luck and Have Fun
@goforbroke Thank you for the reminder and some encouraging words! It's definitely easy to feel isolated and alone when studying for this exam (I don't know anyone in my personal life who is studying for this as well). I will definitely re-evaluate my studying habits over the next few days and push through for November. Hopefully it'll be my second and final whack at the LSAT !
@kilgoretrout I'm sorry to hear you had a similar experience. It truly sucks when you feel like you did well on an exam only to find out you did worse than your usual practice exams. I am definitely going to focus on the sections/ question types that bog me down the most. On a side note, for PTs, have you been taking the flex version or the usual 4 section exam? I've been doing the flex format, but I heard there tends to be some sort of discrepancy with scoring? Not sure if I should switch to doing the normal 4 section exams. I wish you the best of luck with your next LSAT!
@Frenchy Nah, I got the one with the super long case and wolves or something. To be honest, when I think back to the RC section I had, I didn't like it and felt iffy about it. Just didn't like the passages too much and I think that probably affected my score to a degree. I wish they gave a score breakdown for the flex so I can figure out what went wrong
I'm sorry you're in the same situation and I definitely understand the crappy feeling in receiving a lower score than normal. I'm glad you were able to take a step back and figure out the best next step for you. I agree, I am definitely feeling a bit impatient and stressed, but I am going to continue to try for this upcoming cycle. I already delayed it by a year so I am hoping to apply this cycle if possible. Wishing I had more time, but I know whatever happens, I'll end up fine. I am dying to take a trip to Yosemite sometime soon just to get away from everything that is going on in the world. Being in the wilderness has always been an escape for me and hopefully I'll be able to go soon! Thank you for your encouraging words
@ahnendc-1 Gosh, I know the feeling lol I scored 6 points below my PT average and was devastated. Just couldn't figure out what went wrong and that bugged me the most. Anyways, I'm glad to know you're back to studying and I hope we both crush the November LSAT !
@jeeahnee oh gosh, I should check my writing too lolol I definitely felt some brain fog when I was taking the writing sample. Best of luck to you on the January LSAT!
I hope 7sage helps you get the score you want. It's a great resource and I regret not signing up earlier lolol
Thanks, you too! I'm taking Flex PTs just because I want to mirror the actual test as closely as possible. I've also heard there might be a discrepancy but that it's at most like, less than 1 point, so I'm kinda fine with that. I also wish we got a score breakdown because I'd love to see where I went wrong.. that's what sucks about these Flexs.
@kilgoretrout that's what I thought! Thank you for the reassurance. I was super unsure of whether I should switch to a 4 section PT, but I think mirroring test day conditions is best. I do know that the flex is literally a mix of old undisclosed exams so I was wondering if you're focusing on a certain range of PTs? Before the August exam, I was mainly taking exams from the 70's and 80's as practice so I'm wondering if I should take some in the 50's and 60's again