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Bad idea to do the 7sage syllabus out of order?

bchiki12345bchiki12345 Member
in General 10 karma

I've been going in sort of a random order, because 1) I don't have time to go through eveeeeerything before test day, and 2) I'm trying to really focus on the areas I'm weak in. Should I be going in order instead?


  • aszane21aszane21 Member
    350 karma

    Think of the syllabus like a recommendation. You know your needs better than 7Sage so your method is all well and good. I didn't do the syllabus in order and I'm in no rush, when I hit a snag in LR I started LG and when I hit a snag there I started RC. Just got a 174 on my latest PT so I probably wasn't hurt by going out of order. Good luck!

  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    You should be fine doing it out of order, I did it and I think it was fine. Just be sure not to skip over the important content: introduction to logic, existential quantifiers, causation logic, the LG cc and RC memory method.

  • helmholtz99helmholtz99 Core Member
    71 karma

    I'm also doing it out of order b/c I need to work on certain things more than others. If you do have the time, I would recommend doing it in order though. This isn't the best method.

  • ronswansonronswanson Member
    55 karma

    I did the syllabus in order, but I personally wish I had done it out of order. If I were to do it again, I'd want to do logic games first because it was by far my weakest and I still need all the time I can get! I know the material builds on itself, but that's my two cents.

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