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-6 on LR and RC (How to improve)

LawBound-1LawBound-1 Yearly Member

I am consistently missing - 6 on LR and RC, how do I close the Gap? I am retaking in November but I am worried that my score won't improve much if I can't close that gap.


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Practice and perspective I think. At that range you are solidly in the 160's I think, right? I suggest taking 1-2 PTs a week and BRing with one or more people also in the 160's or higher. Really listen to how they got their answers and what their thought processes were. You can learn a lot from other people who are also good at this test. We all think about and approach problems differently, learning to add different styles to our thought processes about questions is a great way to improve. You only have a few weeks I guess, so start now. Ideally at least two BR groups and go over every question. If you all feel fine about LG you can skip them and save time.

  • Hey there,

    I've been in the same boat for a few months now (slowly been improving from mid to high 160s). Depending on your goals in the LSAT, a mid- to high- 160 is a great place to be in order to ultimately break into the 170s. At this point, we need to be far more detail-oriented, maximizing little bits here and there in order to have a small, but important dent into your score.

    I think it is critical for us to evaluate why you are getting those -6 on LR and RC. In other words, why did you get each question wrong?

    For LR, is it because of fundamental gaps in your knowledge (BR would tell you that)? Is it that you ran out of time because you didn't go through the easy questions quickly (I am working on this right now)? Or lost time because of a poor skipping strategy (also working on this)?

    Same thing for RC... are you getting certain types of questions wrong that tell you that you need to work on your fundamentals (BR would tell you this)? Are you getting the most out of your reading or do you need to alter your strategy to maximize your comprehension (I've been doing this quite recently)? Are you feeling too rushed through the questions?

    So the answer to your question likely comes from being able to identify the reason why you are getting those wrong and working on strengthening those weaknesses (think of it as a problem-solution framework as it applies to life, at least for me I suppose). Be critical with yourself. And to be honest, if you go -6 on LR and RC and 0 on LG, you are at -12 total, which I believe is quite close to 170. So, not a bad place to be! Now imagine just shaving off a few more questions...

  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    417 karma

    Hi all, I am bumping this post (my first time bumping so hope I have done it correctly...) as it relates to how I feel about my prep currently. I am consistently scoring -9 to -7 in both RC and LR. I do not feel it is clearly a matter of fundamentals as I feel pretty confident about that. I am wondering how I can shave off a few more points on each section.

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